Recipe: High-fiber Smoothie For Breakfast

With this smoothie, the first portion of fruit of the day is more than delicious!

Recipe: high fiber smoothie for breakfast

A smoothie for breakfast is a healthy start to the day and provides your body with important nutrients and vitamins.

Especially at breakfast it makes sense to use fiber from fruits and vegetables to ensure long-lasting and healthy energy full of vitamins and minerals.

Smoothie for breakfast: raw food to drink

When you prepare your smoothie for breakfast , fruits and vegetables are only pureed, not juiced. This means that all ingredients such as valuable carbohydrates and all secondary plant substances are included.

That would not be the case with juice, since fiber from the skin and pulp in particular is disposed of when juicing. But it is precisely in the shell (keyword: bitter substances, fiber) that there are often valuable ingredients!

A smoothie is usually freshly prepared and therefore contains more vitamins than a juice that has to be filled in bottles or tetra packs and made durable by heating.

Even a finished smoothie from the refrigerated shelf contains more phytochemicals and vitamins than a juice that is just as chilled in the supermarket. However, it is generally better to freshly prepare a smoothie yourself at home.

The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends at least 400g vegetables and 250g fruit per day for adults, about half of which are raw and the other half heated. A smoothie makes it easy to meet this need.

According to the Justus Liebig University in Gießen, the definition of “raw food” is: “Raw food is a form of food that largely or exclusively contains unheated vegetable (sometimes also animal) foods.

Foods that are exposed to elevated temperatures due to the process (e.g. cold-centrifuged honey and cold-pressed oils) are also included, as well as foods that require a certain amount of heat to be produced (e.g. dried fruits, dried meat, dried fish and certain types of nuts).

In addition, cold-smoked products (e.g. meat and fish) as well as vinegar and lactic acid vegetables can be part of the raw food diet. Fat, from fresh foods. Food with additives is avoided. “

Smoothie for breakfast: raw food to drink

Smoothie for breakfast: it couldn’t be better!

Depending on the ambient temperature and humidity, the body loses up to one liter of water through sweat and breath during sleep. It is therefore important not only to ventilate your bed and bedroom in the morning, but also to replenish the fluid that has been lost.

A “symbolic” cup of coffee in the morning is not enough, however, it should be more!

It is advisable to consume at least half a liter of additional liquid for breakfast. Fruit contains a high percentage of water, so it is ideal for helping you stay hydrated at breakfast.

With the sweat that we lose overnight, minerals are also excreted, which need to be replenished.

Do not start at lunch, but at breakfast in order to provide your body with optimal care at the start of the day!

Obviously it would be easy to get that breakfast portion of fruits and vegetables in the form of industrially manufactured juices, but it is always better to eat fruits and vegetables in their most natural form to ensure that the vitamins and minerals they contain are also good can be optimally absorbed by the body.

Avoid canned fruit and fruit juices from bottles or packs and only buy fresh fruit or fruit mixes that are unsweetened and frozen. With frozen fruit you always have an “emergency ration” of fresh fruit in the kitchen.

If you don’t have time to drink the smoothie in peace at home, take it with you on your way to work – it also tastes good on the tram or bus! Such “smoothie makers” are ideal, in which the drinking cup with a tight seal is already integrated!

Smoothie for breakfast on the go

Breakfast smoothie recipe

This recipe focuses on fiber. These ensure that your blood sugar level rises more slowly and that you are saturated longer.

This recipe is ideal for everyone who thinks they can’t eat anything in the morning but still need energy to start the day fit. You need:

  • 2 slices of pineapple (absolutely fresh and not sugared from the can!)
  • 8 grapes (also with seeds, this increases the fiber intake)
  • 1 banana
  • 1 apple (please organic, so that you can use the fiber in the peel!)
  • Water or some orange or apple juice (100% fruit!)

Remove the core of the apple and cut all types of fruit into pieces. Put everything together in a smoothie maker, stand mixer or blender and add water or juice so that you get a nice consistency.

If your blender is strong enough, you don’t have to remove the pineapple stalk, it also provides valuable fiber! If your mixer does not have enough power, you will unfortunately have to do without it. Enjoy the smoothie for breakfast!

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