Relationships: Why They End

Knowing why relationships end can help you identify your mistakes

Relationships: Why They End

Relationships that are friendly or loving are wonderful as long as they work.

But if relationships get into trouble, they can put a strain on our lives – and ultimately lead to the end of the relationship. But how does it come about?

What relationships is it about?

In general, relationships between people can take many forms: in a positive as well as a negative sense.

In this text we deal with those relationships that add value to our life, enrich it and make us happy: friendships, couple relationships, work groups, relationships with relatives or nice neighbors.

Of course there are also such relationships that are negative, but then we look forward to an end. Today this text is about relationships the end of which hurts us.

When it hurts to lose a friend, break up with a loved one, or other good connections between two people that tear apart and break up. Why is that? What leads to the end?


Unfulfilled expectations

Those who expect a lot can be very disappointed. The higher the expectation of another person, the greater our disappointment when that person does not meet these expectations and does not fulfill them.

When you expect that your best friend will always be there for you but has left you alone in the greatest sorrow. When you expect your partner to become the perfect househusband, but can’t even operate the vacuum. Disappoint unfulfilled expectations.

The trick: just expect less, let everything come your way. Be open and flexible. The less you expect, the less likely you will be disappointed!


Unrealistic dreams

Do you dream of starting a family with your partner, traveling the world with your best friend or having a barbecue with your neighbors?

And then comes the rude awakening from the dream : your partner doesn’t want children, your girlfriend prefers to take a package holiday and your neighbors are grouchy who complain about barbecue smoke instead of partying with you?

The more flowery and detailed your dream, the harder the serve in reality. Hold back from dreams, clarify ideas in advance.

If the dream is very important to you, express it immediately and not only when your dream has assumed so large dimensions that it can only shatter into a thousand parts!

Unspoken longings

Are you longing for more affection, for a romantic sunset by the sea, for a candlelight dinner or simply just after a TV evening together on the couch?

Nobody fulfills your longings? Of course, this leads to frustration, but it leads to frustration that you yourself caused.

Because only if you express your longings and work out a plan together to make it come true, your friend or partner can fulfill your longing. So express your desires!


Failure to maintain the relationship

Do you still remember the little tokens of love from your partner, the nice chats with your best friend or hours of phone calls?

For the magic of a best friendship or deep love to last your life, you have to do something and take neither friendship nor love for granted!

Friendships need to be nurtured to last! Love must also be nurtured so that it flourishes and grows!

Be careful not to let such initial things fall asleep, keep in touch with friends, build small tokens of love into your everyday life to keep friendships and love fresh and alive.



It is understandable that physical violence leads to the end of a relationship of any kind. However, there is also psychological violence that is invisible and only sometimes audible if it is verbal violence.

Unfortunately, many people do not notice when they slip into such a spiral of violence, and even if they do, the violent partner or friend is often protected – for fear of more violence.

This leads to a construct of lies, an imbalance that some can withstand for far too long. Violence in any form marks the end of every friendship. Make that clear to you!

This was just a selection of the possible causes that cause relationships to end. Learn to examine your own friendships or your marriage or partnership in order to spot such mistakes and change them before it’s too late!

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