Relieve Urticaria With Natural Remedies

Urticaria or hives is a common skin disease that is caused by certain stimuli, such as exposure to heat or cold. In today’s post, you will find 3 remedies that can relieve the itching and other ailments that it causes. 

Relieve urticaria with natural remedies

A urticaria  is caused by the irritation of the skin by cold, heat, pressure or sunlight, resulting in redness, hives and itching. Fast-acting natural remedies can bring relief.

Of course, there are also medicines for hives, but most of them contain antihistamines or cortisone. Therefore, these should only be used for a short time,  as they are accompanied by undesirable side effects.

Today we introduce you to natural alternatives that are usually very effective. However, don’t forget to visit your doctor to find out the causes and get advice on possible treatment! 

What is urticaria?

Woman with urticaria
The most uncomfortable symptom of hives is itching.

Hives or urticaria is a skin disease that results from contact with allergens and, depending on the severity, can be present for 6 weeks or more.

The skin reaction causes wheals. The central edematous area, the size of which is variable, is surrounded by reddening of the skin, which usually develops very quickly.

Causes of Urticaria

  • The most common cause is an allergic reaction to a food, drug (such as penicillin), or chemicals (such as sodium nitrite, found in sausages, among other things).
  • Cold, heat, sweat, skin friction or physical exertion can also lead to hives. In addition, viral infections are other possible triggers.
  • In many cases, the causes of urticaria are unknown. However, it should not be forgotten that stress and certain lifestyle habits could also be responsible for this.

Treatment of urticaria

There are a variety of medicines available to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of hives. Ointments, gels or tablets with specific active ingredients such as cortisone or antihistamines are often used in this case.

But the body often becomes immune to various active ingredients, which is  why they no longer achieve the desired effect.

The effects of natural remedies are not immediate, but they are gentler methods that are also very helpful. Of course, you have to get a medical examination and advice first. 

Perhaps the following natural remedies can help you. Try them out!

How can you relieve urticaria with natural remedies?

1. More vitamin C

Vitamin C in urticaria
Vitamin C supports a balanced histamine level and is therefore recommended for urticaria.

Doctors often recommend vitamin C to help reduce symptoms such as wheals because it helps regulate histamine levels 

Oranges, for example, are an excellent source of vitamin C. Have a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice every morning and afternoon. But not only citrus fruits contain vitamin C,  strawberries, papaya, kiwis, peppers and other fruits and vegetables are also very helpful!

2. Basil tea

Basil is widely used in the kitchen because this aromatic herb gives many dishes a very special taste. However, in Eastern medicine, basil tea is also used to soothe the symptoms of hives with baths.

This will reduce redness and make wheals heal faster. In addition, the tea leaves a pleasant feeling of freshness on the skin.

For this home remedy you will need: 

  • 4 full tablespoons of basil leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of basil powder
  • 1 water bottle (1 liter)


  1. Pour the basil powder into a liter of water and stir well.
  2. Then heat this mixture over medium heat and add the basil leaves as soon as the water starts to boil.
  3. Stir everything well, remove from heat and let cool down.
  4. Then treat yourself to a relaxing bath and add the basil tea to the bath water.

3. Apple cider vinegar for urticaria

Apple cider vinegar for urticaria
Apple cider vinegar can also be very helpful with its antiseptic properties!

This natural product is available in almost every household, as it is often used to prepare salad marinades. However, you can also use apple cider vinegar for certain health conditions. 

To treat urticaria, you can simply moisten a cloth with apple cider vinegar and place it on the affected area. After about 15 minutes of action, you can remove the cloth again. If the rash spreads over a larger area, you can apply the vinegar directly to the skin. 

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