Remembering Dreams

Recurring dreams and their symbolism are very interesting.

Remember dreams

Dreams  provide us with information about ourselves that can be useful in our daily life.

Recurring dreams  and their symbolism are very interesting. In this article, you will learn more about dreams and how to interpret them.

Learn from dreams

They enable us to have direct contact with our sub-subconscious. They can help to learn more about formative conflicts as well as small, unresolved everyday problems.

Some are blurry and indistinct, others are almost real. Some can be remembered for years. Often, dreams are about repressed feelings and thoughts that are brought back to consciousness and can be interpreted.


A personal process

Discovering the world of dreams is very beneficial, but it is not an easy journey. Problems are hidden in the subconscious, which in many cases we prefer to suppress and do not want to see clearly.

Nightmares are often fears and frustrations, weaknesses or one’s own vulnerability that prevent clear vision. This is a process that requires personal courage and can lead to personal growth.


We cannot interpret them if we do not remember them. Here are some tips that can help you do this:

  • Spend some time relaxing before bed so that your mind is not occupied. You can read about dreams, meditate, do relaxation exercises, take a bath, etc.
  • Just before bed, focus on yourself and your breathing. You can also specifically relax parts of the body if you feel that they are tense.
  • The next morning, turn the alarm clock down so you don’t get startled immediately. The repeated ringing can then be a little louder.
  • Put a notepad and pen on the bedside table to write down your dreams before you forget them.
relaxing bath

Describe the dream

It is very important to describe all the details of the dreams that you can remember. You can also give the dream a title and write down your emotions. Also note down characters, locations, symbols, etc.

How to interpret them

In the dream interpretation, all appearing persons symbolize your self, which is represented by various positive as well as negative aspects.

Do your own research on the symbolism of your dreams, there is a great deal of literature on this that can help you to decipher the meaning of numbers, colors and animals, etc.

You can also discuss it with people close to you who can  open up a different perspective that you cannot see yourself. But this should always be done with a lot of respect.

Recurring dreams

Recurring dreams are especially interesting, they show you suppressed conflicts. There are symbols that many people – even young children – repeat frequently. These include the following:

  • We are being hunted or attacked.
  • We are embarrassed or ashamed.
  • You try to catch a train or some other form of transport, but you can’t.

    Face the dream

    In cases where we are going through a repetitive situation, you should strive to find out its true meaning.

    It is possible to confront the opponent  in a dream, overcome shame or achieve the goal. Perhaps while you are writing you feel the desire to overcome the situation with the next dream.

    Images courtesy of Rigmarole, surfzone, Relaxing Music and Torbein Rønning.

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