Removing Gallstones The Natural Way

It is very important to avoid consuming fat and foods that are difficult to digest, such as red meat, fried foods and saturated fat. Replace them with fruits and vegetables.

Removing gallstones naturally

Gallstones  can be found in the gallbladder and can be as small as a grain of sand. But they can also reach the size of a golf ball. Learn how to remove gallstones naturally in our article.

Bile is a substance made in the liver to help it digest fats. However, under certain conditions, gallstones can form. These can cause very uncomfortable discomfort.

It is estimated that 75% of patients with gallstones do not have a single symptom that could warn of this health problem. The symptoms only start when the gallstones move and clog the bile ducts.

When this problem becomes chronic and the pain becomes unbearable, the gallstones are usually surgically removed. 

However, there are other, less aggressive, and healthier ways for the body to cleanse the gallbladder. Read our article on how to remove gallstones naturally.

The different types of gallstones

Gallstones can consist of various substances. Hence there are  different types of stones.

Gallstones from cholesterol

About 80% of gallstones are formed due to an excess of cholesterol in the bile. Or if the gallbladder has not emptied completely. They are characterized by a yellowish or greenish appearance.

Pigmented gallstones

These stones form in people who have cirrhosis or inherited blood disorders.

Mixed gallstones

These gallstones are made up of calcium and bilirubin salts. 

If you  want to avoid surgery after diagnosing gallstones, there is an option to clean the gallbladder naturally. However, the  disease should not be advanced in this case, since  the natural remedies take time to work.

Natural cleansing of the gallbladder

If you want to remove gallstones naturally,  it is important that you consult your doctor before using any of the following suggestions. It is also important that you adapt your lifestyle and, above all, your diet accordingly.

1. Healthy eating

The diet should be high in fiber, fruits and fresh vegetables as these help digestion.

You should also limit your consumption of animal-based foods, including dairy products and eggs. It is ideal if you  replace common fats with healthy fatty acids .

You know for sure that sweets are not healthy, so it is a good idea to avoid sweets for a healthy diet. If possible, try to  limit your consumption of refined sugar, ice cream, cakes, etc.

You should also replace refined foods with whole grains, including bread and rice.

2. Juice to remove gallstones

Natural juices provide the gallbladder with the nutrients it needs  to eliminate the substances that form gallstones.

This juice, with its combination of different vegetables, helps to reduce the growth of stones and to excrete them.


  • 3 tomatoes
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 celery sticks
  • 1 handful of watercress
  • 4 radishes
  • 1 sprig of parsley
  • ½ lime


  • Wash the vegetables and then process them into juice in a stand mixer or blender.
  • Add water to make blending easier, then drink the juice as fresh as possible for the highest concentration of nutrients.

    3. Dandelion tea

    Thanks to its powerful diuretic and purifying properties, dandelion tea is another powerful remedy for removing gallstones naturally.


    • 1 spoon of dandelion (15 g)
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


    • Put a spoonful of dandelions in a cup of boiling water.
    • Then cover the cup and let the tea steep for a few minutes.
    • Drink  this tea three times a day for good results.

    4. Mint tea

    Mint contains natural ingredients, including terpenes, that help reduce the growth of gallstones and eliminate them. 

    Thanks to its natural oils, this plant helps to accelerate the flow of bile juices. For this reason, mint is also considered to be one of the best antidotes for gallstones.


    • A handful of fresh mint
    • 2 cups of water (500 ml)


    • Scald a handful of mint leaves with boiling water.
    • Then let it steep for 5-10 minutes and strain.
    • Drink this tea at least three times a day for good results.

    If you don’t see any improvement after two months  , we recommend seeing a doctor and considering alternative treatment.

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