Replace Sugar With 5 Great Alternatives

The very thought of living completely sugar-free is discouraging and makes quite a few people downright grumpy. After all, the sugar in our diet is not only delicious, but also vital for the human body

Replace sugar with 5 great alternatives

Too much sugar has been shown to increase the risk of certain diseases that can affect both children and adults. Here we show you how to replace white sugar  . So you can eat a balanced and healthy diet without having to completely do without sweets!

The very thought of living completely sugar-free is daunting and makes quite a few people downright grumpy. After all, sugar in our diet is not only delicious, but also vital for the human body. However, nutritionists strongly recommend that we replace white sugar as often as possible . In this way we significantly reduce the sugar content in our diet.

Fortunately, avoiding sugar doesn’t mean giving up sweets altogether. There are a variety of recipes for delicious desserts and desserts that work without any sugar.

How we replace sugar

Studies have shown that consuming refined sugar can lead to certain diseases. The most common ailments are dental caries, heart problems, a weakened immune system, and obesity. Sugar also increases the chances of developing cancer. It also increases the dopamine level in the body.

Our body doesn’t actually need sugar; he needs glucose. And besides sugar, there are so many healthier foods that can provide us with this nutrient!

The human need for sugar is more of a habit than an actual need of the human body. So you should change your habits and replace sugar.

Sugar alternatives


replace sugar with stevia

Stevia is a very popular natural sweetener these days. The leaves of the stevia plant have a naturally sweet taste.

The commercially available stevia powder actually looks a lot like sugar. Stevia is a great alternative to avoid sugar in teas and desserts, for example.

Here are some of the benefits of stevia over regular sugar:

  • Stevia helps diabetic patients as it regulates blood sugar levels.
  • Its diuretic properties help eliminate toxins.
  • Stevia stimulates blood vessel dilation and thus helps control blood pressure.
  • It is calorie free, so it fights obesity.


Honey replace sugar

Honey is the oldest natural sweetener in the world – as old as humanity itself!

Honey is currently more popular than ever. It is one of the best sugar alternatives for young and old.

Honey is especially good for children and the elderly because, in addition to its sweetening power, it also has nutritional properties.

Here are some of the benefits of honey:

  • Honey provides quick energy.
  • It has antibiotic properties and prevents infections. Therefore, it helps with coughs and colds, for example.
  • This bee product also has healing properties.
  • Honey is an antioxidant.
  • It contains minerals such as sodium, magnesium and zinc, and especially vitamins from the B group.

Agave syrup

Replace agave syrup sugar

The agave belongs to the aloe vera family. Their syrup, a thick and sticky liquid, is made from their fleshy leaves. Not only is agave syrup trendy – it is widely recommended by experts.

Agave has a sweetening effect, making it another ideal sugar alternative.

Her fructose content is high, but she is still low in glucose. The fructose supports the insulin level in the blood and is therefore particularly digestible for diabetics.

Some of the properties of agave syrup are:

  • It has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Agave syrup helps boost the immune system.
  • It helps in weight loss.
  • Agave lowers cholesterol levels.
  • The syrup is good for the skin and keeps it young.


This sweetener originally comes from Japan. Amazake is made from rice and produced in a fermentation process that is typical of Asian cuisine. The result is a thick, sweet paste. It can be used to replace refined sugar in all kinds of recipes.

  • Amazake contains important nutrients and thus offers benefits for our body:
  • The body can absorb and digest it easily.
  • Amazake contains a lot of fiber, which speeds up digestion.
  • It contains B vitamins and provides the body with basic enzymes.

Panela as a sugar substitute

Replace sugar panel

Panela is made from the evaporated juices of the sugar cane. No refined or chemical products are used. This makes Panela an increasingly popular alternative to replace sugar.

The properties of Panela include:

  • Panela has a strong energizing effect.
  • The mass contains vitamins A, B, C, D and E.
  • It contains the most minerals of all sweeteners.

Using these sugar alternatives can be an important start in making dietary changes. It is still important to consider the individual health situation and personal possibilities!

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