Slimming Dinner

If you don’t like breakfast, a lighter dinner can make you feel more hungry and want to eat in the morning. You can start the day full of energy with breakfast.

Weight Loss Dinner

There are numerous methods of losing weight without making great sacrifices. In this article, we recommend  dinner for  weight loss.

“Slim in your sleep” can work if you take care of the right dinner .

Why is dinner so important?

Breakfast like an emperor, lunch like a king and dinner like a beggar. As the day progresses , the organism needs less and less energy,  at least if no intense nightlife is planned.

If the amount of food is reduced at dinner or if it is eaten earlier, the hunger will be greater the next day, but this can be compensated for at breakfast.

Even if the same amount is consumed in total, the division plays an important role in making it easier to lose weight.


What is the best time for dinner?

Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches that the gallbladder and liver regenerate between 11 a.m. and 3 a.m. at night. Both organs are essential for digestion and are responsible for ensuring that nutrients are properly absorbed.

Digestion should be completed by this time,  so it is advisable to eat by 8 o’clock in the evening at the latest.

Which amount is recommended?

The amount of food eaten at dinner cannot be determined in general, it depends on the person and also on the rhythm of life.

However, one should neither suffer from hunger nor over-stuffing oneself unnecessarily.  It is important to learn to stop when the body is satisfied and not to be seduced by cravings. Particularly in stressful situations, there is often an increased desire to eat.


Choose filling foods

Those who do not suffer from hunger but still do not want to overeat should choose filling foods that are rich in fiber and therefore easier to digest.

These are mainly herbal products.  Algae such as wakame, agar-agar, kombu, spirulina, Klamath or sea spaghetti can also be very helpful.

These can be used for a wide variety of dishes. Agar-agar can also be used, for example, to prepare delicious and very filling desserts.

Examples of filling evening meals

  • Stir-fry vegetables (broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, corn and a hard-boiled egg)
  • Cream of vegetable soup with oat flakes and kombu algae
  • Salad with sprouts, apple and avocado
  • Gazpacho (cold Spanish vegetable soup)
  • Hummus (chickpea puree) or guacamole with carrot strips and cucumber
  • Vegetable soup with quinoa
  • Spinach with raisins and pine nuts
  • Zuchini cream soup with wakame algae and curry
  • Cold salad with peas and chicken breast
  • Sweet gelatin pudding with agar agar, apples and cinnamon


What if you’re still hungry?

Some people would like to have less or earlier dinner, but may not be able to follow these tips because of work or other reasons.

If you only find time to sit down at the table late in the evening, you should try to have  a snack three hours before dinner, which should of course also be healthy.  Some examples:

  • Fruit and natural yoghurt
  • Dried fruits: nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, etc.
  • Dried fruits: dates, dried plums and apricots, etc.
  • Wholemeal bread sticks
  • Cream cheese with quince jelly
  • Whole grain rolls (with cheese, avocado, egg, etc.)

Images provided by Samuel Gardiner, diekatrin and Great British Chefs

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