Sorry? Try These 8 Tips!

Don’t let yourself get down! Below we show you 8 tips to overcome sadness and negative feelings.

Sad?  Try these 8 tips!

Are you sad ? Sadness envelops you in its cold coat at the most inopportune moment? It takes a lot of energy to control them and let light back into life.

Because when nothing seems to make sense and you think that nobody understands you, it is difficult to find your way out of the darkness. What can you do if you sad you?

Do not let it get you! Below we show you 8 tips to overcome sadness and negative feelings.

1. Go for a walk when you are sad!

to stroll

On no account stay at home and hide in the loneliness of your room! That doesn’t do you any good when you’re sad. Put on comfortable sweatpants, take your keys and go for a walk in the fresh air!

The faster you run, the more strength you will feel, your problems and inner turmoil will dissolve step by step. Sweating, getting your heart pumping and moving your bones works great.

Your brain produces endorphins – happiness hormones – and many things look very different. Try to have positive thoughts and see the little, beautiful things in life.

2. Sit in the sun and close your eyes when you are sad


Take the time to soak up some sun (no longer than 15 minutes and with sun protection!) – a few quiet moments in silence to hug the light. This is how your skin gets vitamin D and you can also relax.

When you’re feeling sad, don’t try to hide in the shade or in your bed. People with depression often lack sun and light as they do not go out into fresh air to enjoy the warmth of the sun’s rays.

3. Set duties aside for 2 hours


Daily commitments call … it is not always easy to get free. Those who are sad often build a wall inside, which makes it impossible to achieve anything or to carry out everyday duties in a good mood.

There is a lack of motivation and encouragement. The solution? Stop for a moment and take 2 hours in which you then enjoy your personal space and spend a time without pressure and fears. Be yourself.

4. Write when you are sad


Do you use a diary? If not, then maybe it is time to start. Writing has a therapeutic effect, it helps to organize ideas, to express worries or wishes, to speak to oneself, to express oneself in the soul space, to search for and to find.

You don’t have to be Gabriel Garcia Marquez or Daphne Du Maurier to keep a journal. Express your emotions in your own words, let your thoughts and feelings run free … free yourself by writing!

5. Cry if necessary


Sometimes crying brings relief. It is an escape mechanism to release tension.

It’s not always enough to go for a walk or talk to your best friends. Tears are there to let off steam, reduce stress and relieve us. Sometimes crying is healthy and necessary.

6. Look in the mirror and ask yourself what you are seeing


This is an exercise in self-awareness. Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror? No, you will not see an attractive and positive woman. The sadness robs you of your life force and then you will not like what you see.

Ask yourself what you can do to feel better, to give your heart new hope, and then stop punishing yourself. Ask the woman in the mirror what you need to do to put a smile on her face again.

7. Find someone who will listen to you


Not everyone can listen, that’s an art in itself. You probably have relatives or friends who, instead of talking to you, prefer to talk about themselves without asking how you are feeling.

Find support from people who can look you in the eye and then listen to  you with concern and honesty.

You will find that you feel at least partially relieved when you can pour your worries over to someone. In this way you can gradually free yourself from negative feelings. Do not hesitate to seek support.

8. Pamper yourself when you are sad


Why not? On bad days, you need little glimmers of hope to help you  cope with negative feelings. If you just focus on the problem, it gets bigger. Try to relax and pamper yourself when you are sad.

How about a trip to the cinema or a yoga class? Maybe a walk in the park or a visit to an art museum?

Sometimes even a favorite song works wonders when you get home. Even if this doesn’t solve the problem, you can relax and calm down. Then, when you feel more comfortable, you will be able to see things from a different perspective.

Don’t hesitate to put these simple tips into practice when you feel sad.

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