Stay With Those Who Accept Your Essence

True friends accept you as you are, with your merits and mistakes, and help you to be better at the same time.

Stay with those who accept your being

Stay with those who accept your nature and your freedom. That allow you to be honest, authentic and sincere. With those who penetrate deeply into your essence, understand your being and enjoy the wonderful thing about yourself with you.

Stay with all those extraordinary people who do you indescribably good. Promote your full trust and always take care of the well-being of your being.

Stay with these people because positive relationships allow you to gain deeper insights into yourself. They allow you to develop your own personality, define your essence and interests, and strengthen relationships with those around you.

Energy as the essence of being

Being authentic means not submitting to any expectations

Sometimes it is difficult to admit that, for example, you don’t like a piece of music or you are not interested in something. If this is the case, you are slowly leaving a part of yourself behind, which is not only an insignificant externality, but is also reflected inside you.

In short:  you are giving up your real being. You become less and less, your feelings suffer and especially your personality, which is far from what it used to be. When you no longer show yourself how you are, relationships become more and more dissatisfied and fragile.

However, when there are people in your life full of warmth and gentleness, they make you feel at home. They do you good, without emotional shackles and bring new hopes, illusions and impulses into your everyday life.

Unfortunately, there are few such people. That is why it is very special to find someone with whom one can exchange experiences, feelings and thoughts naturally and sincerely.

Woman with flowers in her essence and being

Make peace with yourself

In order to enjoy this positive exchange,  you must first make friends with yourself. Authentic people will help you with this.

It is about accepting yourself with all freedom, which largely depends on how you feel in your surroundings, because this is a great help and support for evaluating yourself.

Positive people help you to develop and organize your inner world of thoughts:

  • Accepting yourself as unrepeatable and unique is a fundamental must. Of course everyone would like to show the most pleasant face that others want, but those who behave naturally are also authentic, sincere and attractive at the same time.
  • Do not focus on the image that others have of you, but on how you radiate to others. This helps you to be yourself, to act sincerely and spontaneously.
  • Your strength is not in comparing yourself to others. It is important to work on being a little better every day in order to achieve our ideals and values. But not to be like someone or to surpass someone.
    happy woman in her essence and being

    Stay by the side of those who are good for your being

    Remaining authentic is not always an easy challenge in today’s world, because every day we are taught how to act and appear, what is desirable, what is “in” … this external pressure changes our being and often makes us unable build true and honest relationships.

    These relationships should be nurtured with gratitude  because they prove to you that distance does not mean forgetting,  that sincere tenderness for this person lasts forever.

    We also know that every stone in a structure has to be honest in order to build it solidly. Therefore, you must try not to contaminate a relationship with selfishness, addiction, or excessive emotion.

    happy couple

    The honest exchange of ideas and true feelings  bring us closer together. They enable us to appreciate those who take the time to listen to us and accept us for who we are. Of course, without prejudice and expectations.

    It is therefore important that these positive people form part of our lives,  enrich us and give us well-being. You should distance yourself from all those who only take and do not show you that they are really by your side and want your best.

    Note to the reader

    If you want to know more about appreciation, love and sensitivity as the essence of a relationship, we recommend reading chapter 8 of the book “The social animal” by Elliot Aronson. This is a text on social psychology that is highly recommended for those interested.

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