Stye: These Home Remedies Can Help

As long as you have the stye, you shouldn’t put make-up on your eyes. You can use warm compresses to treat the affected sebum glands.

Stye: these home remedies can help

Stye: An inflammation of the glands on the eyelids. This is not severe but can be painful and very bothersome. The trigger is usually a bacterial infection.

The outer stye is located right on the edge of the eyelid and usually disappears in a short time. The grain is swollen and red, hard and painful. The inner stye is usually a little further from the edge of the eyelid and it usually takes a little longer to heal.

Stye: treatment

  • It is not recommended to rub, squeeze, or attempt to remove the stye.
  • Treatment consists of hygiene measures to keep the area clean and prevent inflammation.
  • Warm compresses can be very helpful in opening up the clogged glands.
  • Antibiotic drops are recommended and are usually very effective, especially if there is conjunctivitis from direct contact.
  • It is best to avoid using make-up, as this could worsen the condition.
  • Chamomile tea has a calming effect, relieves pain and swelling, and also helps dry out the stye. Simply scald a tea bag with hot water and then let it cool down a bit. Then the tea bag is placed directly on the affected area. Remove as soon as it is cold. This method can be repeated as often as necessary.

Grandma’s recipes

  • Spring onion. Cut apart the onion where the leaf begins and then apply the escaping liquid to the affected area.
  • Then place a freshly laid chicken egg (still warm) directly on the affected area for 5 minutes.
  • Crush several peppermint leaves and then place the paste on top of the stye. Let it work for about 5 minutes and then remove with lukewarm water.
  • Prepare a marigold tea (1 spoonful of dry marigolds in half a liter of water). Sieve the tea and then moisten a cloth with it, place it on the stye until it is cold. 

Prevention against barley grains

Rubbing your eyes is a bad habit, and avoid itching if you feel itchy, as otherwise stye may develop.

natural remedy stye

The eyes should be touched as little as possible to prevent possible infection from contact. Good hand hygiene is also recommended as a precautionary measure. Wash hands with soap after returning home and after any activity to remove bacteria.

Furthermore, is  vitamin A recommended to avoid styes. It improves the immune system improves.

Vitamin A can be found, for example, in eggs, red meat, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, spinach and lettuce, which are highly recommended as a precaution against barley grains.

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