Supplement The Therapy Of Your Varicose Veins With Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has an anti-inflammatory effect and generally accelerates healing processes. The production of collagen and elastin is stimulated so that the tissue can regenerate. Aloe Vera also has an antimicrobial effect and therefore prevents infections

Supplement the therapy of your varicose veins with aloe vera

On the legs, they are more common in higher areas of the body, as the venous blood has to be pumped from here against gravity to the heart. Complete the therapy of  your varicose veins with aloe vera!

The blood builds up in the veins and exerts pressure on the vein wall, which then initiates remodeling processes.

However, this functional adaptation leads to a further decrease in blood flow and the weakness of the veins and thus the varicose veins to worsen.

This vicious circle corresponds to a long process that can be bothersome and extremely painful for those affected. They can even develop into open wounds if blood flow stagnates in the affected areas for a long time.

They are therefore a serious problem, the therapy of which should be discussed with a doctor. However, we can supplement the treatment prescribed by the doctor with natural remedies and thus speed up the healing process a little.

Still, you need to know that curing varicose veins is a tedious process. We can help our bodies do this, but neither conventional nor natural therapy can work miracles.

Today we invite you to get to know a remedy with which you can optimally support the therapy.

Varicose veins are a common problem, especially among women

Varicose veins

The causes of varicose veins are diverse, with genetic predisposition playing a major role. Women suffer from venous insufficiency more often than men.

The mother inherits the tendency to her daughter, and in the classic case she begins to complain of the same symptoms from a certain age.

While we have to live with our genetic makeup, we can certainly adapt our lifestyle so that we can lower the risk of developing it.

In addition to genetics, an unhealthy diet and long periods of sitting with little physical exercise play a causal role.

If you want to prevent, you should therefore ensure a healthy, balanced diet and make a few exercises part of your daily routine.

It must be clear to us that the varicose veins arise because the blood pressure in the veins is too high. The constant high pressure leads to a change in the composition of the connective tissue.

The body tries to strengthen the veins so that they can withstand the high pressure. Unfortunately, this also means that the elasticity of the veins is lost.

In this state, any trauma, no matter how small, can lead to an open wound that can subsequently become easily infected.

Since varicose veins usually affect people over 50 years of age when the wound healing process has already slowed down significantly, such wounds take a long time to heal. Infection complicates the healing process enormously.

Even people who move very little for health reasons often suffer from venous insufficiency and varicose veins.

What other circumstances can lead to varicose veins?

  • Existing varicose veins.
  • A genetic predisposition.
  • Varicose veins in family members.
  • An increased risk of thrombosis.
  • A pregnancy.
  • Smoke.
  • Long standing, e.g. at work.
  • Tall body.

What is the most common treatment for varicose veins?

Usually people with varicose veins use poultices to speed up the healing process and to protect the affected areas of the skin from trauma and thus also from infection.

Since even such compresses are not always sufficient to heal the ulcers, surgical intervention may even have to be undertaken in severe cases . In an outpatient operating theater, so-called microfoam sclerotherapy is often carried out, after which the wounds close within a very short time.

In order not to get to this point in the first place, and precisely because the healing of varicose veins is such a lengthy process, it is worth taking precautions and starting appropriate treatment when the first symptoms appear.

The home remedy with aloe vera that we are now introducing is ideal for this.

Home remedies with aloe vera to treat varicose veins

Aloe vera

Since the skin under which the varicose veins are located is very delicate, we need to take special care when it comes to deciding which remedies to use. Of course, this is all the more true if skin ulcers are already present.

We therefore emphasize once again that you please discuss all accompanying therapy measures with your doctor.

The remedy that we would like to present to you is an aloe vera-based drink that is said to stimulate the healing of varicose veins and skin ulcers. So it is not about an external application, but an internal one.

Aloe Vera is best known for stimulating the regeneration of skin tissues. The connective tissue fibers collagen and elastin are strengthened. There is no natural remedy that is more effective in speeding healing of varicose veins.

Aloe vera also has an antimicrobial effect, which is why we can use aloe vera to prevent infections. These would worsen the condition of the skin ulcers.

Aloe vera gel contains anthraquinones, acemannan, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, fatty acids and carbohydrates. And a number of other active ingredients such as salicylic acid, which inhibit inflammation and stimulate the healing process.


  • 1 tbsp aloe vera gel (15 g)
  • a glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon honey (7 g)


  • If you have a plant at home or bought an aloe vera stem, first take the necessary amount of gel from it. It’s easy to do with a spoon or knife.
  • Now aloe vera gel, water and honey are put into the mixer and processed into a homogeneous drink. You are done already!

This drink should be consumed every morning for two months. This accelerates the healing process of the varicose veins and skin ulcers and stimulates tissue repair.

It is a simple, natural remedy with which you can accompany the therapy of your varicose veins.

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