Tea Tree Oil Against Fleas And Ticks

Tea tree oil has antibiotic and antiseptic properties that can specifically fight fleas and ticks. However, it should not be used directly on the skin to avoid irritation.

Tea tree oil against fleas and ticks

Tea tree oil has antibiotic and antiseptic properties that can be used specifically for flea and tick infestations. However, it should not be applied directly to the skin to avoid irritation.

Our four-legged friends: we love them. But they are also the ones who like to bring fleas and ticks into the house, which causes the regular pats to suffer. To combat these parasites, we will introduce you to the benefits of tea tree oil in this article.

We often struggle with them when there is a lack of hygiene. As much as we try to keep our pets clean, they are always prone to infestation.

Especially during the summer months, the annoying parasites have the perfect opportunity to multiply due to the high temperatures. Fleas and ticks are not always immediately recognizable because they are very small.

They live in groups and feed mainly on their host’s blood by attaching themselves to the host’s skin. They leave small pustules at the corresponding bite sites.

Diseases carried by fleas and ticks

Fleas and ticks often cause allergic reactions in humans, which manifest themselves in the form of inflammation or severe itching at the puncture sites.

Parasite infestation in our home therefore poses a risk as they can transmit serious diseases.


Ehrlichiosis is an infectious disease that is transmitted by ticks. It is often fatal in pets and can also have far-reaching consequences for humans.

Symptoms include fever, joint pain, and blood circulation problems. There is a risk of bleeding due to the decrease in blood platelets.

bubonic plague

The bubonic plague is caused by fleas. It is often accompanied by a high fever and swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck and armpit area.

The disease can also endanger the respiratory system , which is why a hospital should be visited immediately at the first signs.

Skin irritation

Use tea tree oil on skin irritations

A simple flea bite can already irritate the skin. Often there are vesicles or pustules caused by bacteria.

Therefore, you should be vigilant if you suspect any of these parasites in your home.

To effectively control both fleas and ticks, natural remedies can be used. These help to reduce the risk of disease developing.

Tea tree oil is particularly suitable for this. We are now going to introduce you to the advantages of this preparation and possible treatments.

What is tea tree oil?

Melaleuca alternifolica , also known as the tea tree, is a plant that originally came from Australia. This small shrub with equally small and thin leaves has white flowers that give off a pleasant scent.

The well-known tea tree oil, which is often used in medicine, is extracted from it. It can be used, for example, to fight acne and perform aesthetic treatments to reduce the risk of skin injuries.

Properties of tea tree oil

Properties of tea tree oil

The tea tree contains a natural transparent oil. This is characterized by its typical smell and its chemical components, which have an antibiotic and antiseptic effect.

Due to its toxic effects, it should not be used directly on the skin of animals or humans, let alone swallowed!

Still, the strong smell of the oil will cause the fleas and ticks to fall off your pet’s skin. You can see for yourself how these literally go to the ground within a few minutes:

  • Add a few drops of the oil to a cup of lukewarm water (250 ml).
  • Then add this mixture to your four-legged friend’s shampoo.

This creates a natural effect. You can use the remedy while you bathe your pet and get rid of the parasites.

Does tea tree oil help fight fleas and ticks?

Yes, tea tree oil is one way to safely, effectively, and naturally address a parasite infestation. It is sufficient if you apply it as a spray lightly over your pet’s fur every 15 or 20 minutes. A well-ventilated room is best for this.

Make sure not to apply the oil straight to the animal’s skin! It could cause serious allergic reactions.

It is therefore advisable to carry out the treatment as a spray daily for a week or until no more parasite can be found in your animal friend’s fur.

It is also useful to spray it on clothing, furniture and mattresses. You can use it weekly as a supplement to cleaning and thus prevent further flea or tick infestations.

As you can see, tea tree oil is an easy way to get rid of the parasites. It is characterized by its benefits for the health of your pet and your family and is easy to use.

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