That Helps Against Warts!

Warts are unsightly and annoying growths on the skin that can be avoided and removed.

That helps against warts!

Warts are particularly annoying if they appear on the face or feet and cause pain there when walking.

In the face, they strain our soul from an aesthetic point of view. Find out what to do in advance and what to do if you discover warts .

Warts are contagious!

With the exception of the warts that can appear after the age of 50 (“age warts”), all different types of warts are caused by a virus.

The vast majority of warts are contagious and it is important to protect yourself and others from developing (even more) warts by spreading the virus!

What can you do about warts?

Infection protection

There are pretty simple things you can do to prevent even getting a wart in the first place:

  • Always use your own towel. If you share the towel with others, there can already be viruses there that can lead to a wart in you!
  • I. In public pools or saunas, always wear your own flip-flops.
  • Avoid walking barefoot on carpeted floors in hotel rooms.
  • Towels and socks always belong in the whites!
  • Towels that have been used in public facilities must be changed immediately, all other towels at least once a week.
  • Never go to a nail salon on vacation or have a pedicure done on the beach or in hotels. The hygiene there is anything but guaranteed!

If you follow these very simple tips, you shouldn’t have to worry about what to do about warts – you simply probably won’t get any.

If you do, take the following tips to heart:

Frauch washes sheets to prevent warts


If you have a wart, you are contagious and can transmit the wart virus. Not only on other people, but also on you!

Therefore, always disinfect everything that has come into contact with the wart and wash bathroom rugs and towels regularly at at least 60 ° C.

If this is not possible with your bathroom rugs, get so-called “hygiene rinse” which, like fabric softener, distribute the disinfectant on the laundry during the last rinse.

Follow this rule until your wart is completely gone!


Many viral warts go away all by themselves. The appearance of warts is usually a sign of a weakened immune system that has nothing to counter the virus.

If you ensure a strong immune system and follow the hygiene rules mentioned above, the risk of developing a viral wart is extremely low.

If the wart is small and doesn’t bother you, there is a chance your immune system will win the battle and the wart will eventually go away on its own.

Wash hands to prevent the risk of infection with warts

citric acid

The tinctures you can get at the pharmacy to treat warts are usually made of lactic acid.

The acid softens the wart’s cornea. The softened cornea is then removed from the wart at regular intervals and the acid is further applied to reach the deeper and deeper layers.

You can try this at home too. Try lemon juice. So that the healthy skin around the wart is not affected by the acid, grease it thickly before use, e.g. with petroleum jelly.

Then, soak a cut piece of cotton wool with lemon juice and secure it over the wart with a waterproof plaster. Repeat morning and evening and regularly scrape off the softened callus on the surface of the wart!

This works well with a pumice stone, preferably after a foot bath. Boil the pumice stone after each use to avoid re-infection by the wart viruses!

Apple cider vinegar for warts

Malic acid

Instead of apple cider vinegar, you can of course use any other vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has the advantage that it smells a little less pungent.

The application is the same as for lemon juice. Both methods have one thing in common: patience! It takes weeks to soften and remove the entire wart structure layer by layer!

An overnight effect is also not possible with tinctures from the pharmacy! Tinctures and home remedies that work with acid only soften the cornea and physically remove the wart.

This does not kill the virus itself! So you are still contagious and prone to further infecting yourself. Maintain hygiene and a strong immune system!

Sorbic acid

Sorbic acid originally comes from rowan berries, but is now produced synthetically and used as a preservative for food.

In the trade it is known as a “preserving aid” to preserve preserves, jams or other permanent preserves.

Sorbic acid is poorly soluble in cold water, but you can make a tincture with hot water, which you can use to treat your wart twice a day as described under “Citric acid”.

Treat warts with ice

Ice spray

In the pharmacy there is ice spray that can cool the skin areas down to -50 ° C.

It is important that you only apply the spray directly to the wart in a very localized manner and that you do not spray the skin over a large area!

Due to the extreme cold, the wart tissue dies. If you use the ice spray over a large area, healthy skin can also die off, so handle it carefully!

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