The 15 Best Natural Diuretics

Fluid retention is not a disease in itself, but a symptom of other ailments, such as circulatory disorders, thyroid disorders, heart problems or kidney or liver disorders.

The 15 Best Natural Diuretics

If you suffer from water retention and always feel swollen, you should try natural diuretics after consulting your doctor . These could even be very helpful in weight loss diets.

Fight the excess fluids in your body and lose weight with success. Learn more about what are reputedly the best natural diuretics in this article .

What are water retention?

Water retention or edema is an excess accumulation of fluid in our tissues. This condition is not a disease in itself, but a symptom of another disease, be it of the kidneys, heart, or digestive system.

Water retention can occur on the abdomen, wrists, or ankles. If the amount of fluid is too high, it can lead to disturbances in the body’s functions.

Swollen feet

Swelling caused by water retention is most common on the legs and feet. These are called edema and are common during pregnancy or if you are overweight.

Lumps do not cause further symptoms or pain, but are characteristic of the marks that remain on the affected area when you press.

Causes can be circulatory disorders, thyroid, liver, kidney or heart disorders or vitamin deficiencies.

What Are The Allegedly Best Natural Diuretics?


Watermelon contains a large amount of water, making it an excellent natural diuretic. It’s also high in lycopene, an antioxidant that is said to help our bodies fight free radicals.

Fans of the watermelon claim that the amino acids in this variety of fruit dilate the veins. In this way, fluid drains off better and excess fluid is eliminated.

Watermelon supposedly has an alkalizing, detoxifying and mineralizing effect and thus protects our intestines, through which all of the toxins in our body are transported.


Tomatoes are made up of 90% water and contain several antioxidants (vitamin C, selenium, beta-carotene and lycopene). They are said to prevent free radicals, which can damage the walls of the blood vessels, and thus prevent inflammation or other related diseases.

Lots of red tomatoes


The cucumber consists mainly of water and is therefore a great natural diuretic. It is also rich in sulfur and silicon, two substances reputed to help our kidneys clear uric acid.

This promotes the reduction of water retention in our body. But that’s not all, because cucumbers also contain ascorbic and caffeic acid, which should also have a dehydrating effect.

Potassium is also abundant in cucumber, a substance that has an antispasmodic effect.

Blueberry juice

It doesn’t necessarily have to be juice, but it is recommended, as all the positive properties of the berry can be used.

Blueberries are said to have an excellent ability to fight urinary infections and have a dehydrating effect. Blueberry juice also works as a powerful antibiotic and protects the bladder. It is particularly suitable for diabetes.


This type of vegetable provides our organism with a large number of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins and is one of the most recommended diuretics.

Some claim they detoxify our bodies, speed up metabolism and prevent eye diseases caused by lack of moisture .

Chopped carrots


The eggplant has a high proportion of water and flavonoids. For this reason, it is not only helpful as a diuretic, but also promotes blood circulation.

For this it is advisable to drink the broth of the cooked aubergine or to eat it raw and grated for weight loss.


Artichokes may improve urinary function because they are rich in caffeic acid, flavonoids, minerals, and vitamins that are said to have detoxifying effects.

Artichokes also contain cynarin, which activates bile so that water retention can be eliminated.


Allegedly, it is the seeds of this vegetable that promote the elimination of uric acid and thus urine production and help break down toxins.

However, it should be known that celery is high in sodium, which is offset by the high level of potassium.


Grapes are high in water and potassium and are therefore believed to be a very powerful natural diuretic. The sodium content is very low, which makes it an excellent fruit to use to clear the accumulated toxins in your urine.



Asparagus is a very low-calorie vegetable and contains asparagine, an amino acid that is said to have powerful detoxifying properties.

It can also be used for rheumatism or arthritis symptoms and menstrual water retention. Because it is high in fiber, it is an effective way to cleanse the intestinal tract.


These leafy vegetables not only taste great, they also make urination easier because they have a very high proportion of water. Lettuce is high in iron and magnesium, two minerals that may help remove fat tissue.

Green tea

Green tea

Green tea is very often recommended for weight loss cures because it promotes the elimination of fat in the urine. Do not drink more than 4 cups of tea a day, as green tea contains caffeine.


Oats are one of the best breakfast foods as these cereals provide plenty of energy. Oats also contain silicon, a substance that has detoxifying effects.


This herb isn’t very detoxifying, but it is said to help clear out toxins in the kidneys. Parsley should be eaten raw and chopped.


Roote beetroot as juice

Beetroot improve liver and kidney functions and is rich in iron, which cleanses the fat deposits.

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