The 5 Tibetans For The Rejuvenation Of Mind And Body

It is advisable to do the exercises before breakfast. Untrained people should slowly approach the exercises.

The 5 Tibetans to rejuvenate the mind and body

We know that there is no secret to eternal youth and that the aging process is part of life. You have to come to terms with that and wear the signs of aging with dignity. Do you know the 5  Tibetans ?

Even so, there are many ways to groom and keep yourself young, both physically and emotionally.

In addition to various rejuvenating beauty products , the 5 Tibetans can also  help excellently. Due to the positive effect on the body, health and beauty, these are becoming increasingly popular.

The Tibetans are 5 exercises for rejuvenation that were published in 1985 in the book “The old secret to the fountain of youth” written by Peter Kelder.

The author talks about how by practicing these exercises regularly you can  improve your quality of life and keep yourself young longer. 

Advantages of the 5 Tibetans

The author and many others have of course tested these exercises carefully before writing the book in  order to check all the benefits and effects.

The data collected showed the following advantages when the Tibetans performed regularly: 

  • Significantly younger appearance,
  • better quality of sleep,
  • relaxed waking up as well as a lot of energy in the morning,
  • Prevention and  improvement of joint problems,
  • Pain relief,
  • less arthritis symptoms,
  • Promoting weight loss,
  • Improving eyesight,
  • more physical strength, resistance and better stamina,
  • better emotional and mental health,
  • Well-being and harmony,
  • less stress.

Recommendations that you should consider before starting with the 5 Tibetans

  • If you are active and healthy, you can do the exercises three times a week.
  • If you are inactive, overweight or have health problems, doing one of the first exercises every day is recommended. 
  • If you are overweight, it is better to do without exercises 4 and 5 at the beginning until you have developed the necessary strength.
  • If you haven’t done sports in a long time , it is a good idea to prepare for the exercises  by walking for half an hour each day.
  • For best results, do the exercises before breakfast; if this is not possible, choose another convenient time.

 Tibetan No. 1: The top

  • Stand upright, raise your  arms horizontally to the floor, palms down and arms in line with your shoulders.
  • Rotate clockwise until you feel a little dizzy. Start with a few revolutions and then gradually increase it to 21.
  • To avoid becoming too dizzy, you can use a trick used by ballerinas and figure skaters : Before they start spinning, focus their gaze on a point on a straight line.
  • During your turns, you should keep your gaze on this point for as long as possible.

Breathing: Breathe in and out deeply as you turn.

Tibetan No. 2: The Candle

Sports exercise
  • You are lying on your back on a mat with your arms relaxed at the sides of your body and your palms on the floor.
  • While inhaling, raise your head and legs at the same time, chin towards your sternum, your shoulder blades stay on the floor, your heels are lifted towards the ceiling. The back remains completely on the floor. The knees are then not bent.
  • As you exhale, carefully lower your legs and head again. 

Breathing: Inhale deeply as you raise your head and legs,  and exhale as you lower your head and legs. 

Exercise # 3: The crescent moon

  • Kneel on the floor with your upper body upright, pelvis-wide, your  hands just under your buttocks.
  • The hips are now slowly pushed forward, the head bent backwards at the same time, the mouth is slightly open.
  • Bend your head and neck a little further back,  while also stretching your spine. The hands are supported on the thighs to maintain balance.

    Breathing: Inhale  as you bring your head back, exhale as you return to the starting position. 

    Tibetan No. 4: The Bridge

    • The starting position is the long seat : stretch your legs and open them hip-width apart, keep your upper body straight, put your palms on the floor and bend your chin forward against your chest. 
    • Lift your pelvis off the floor, keeping your feet on the floor with your knees bent. The arms are stretched out next to the body.
    • Contract all the muscles in the body and relax as you return to the starting position.

    Breathing: Inhale as you lift your pelvis, hold your breath as you tense the muscles, and exhale as you return to the starting position.

    Tibetan No. 5: The Mountain

    • Lie face down on your stomach, put your hands and tiptoe on the floor, and lift your  upper body. Tilt your head back as far as possible.
    • Then lift your hips so that the body forms a triangle. The chin is bent against the chest.

    Breathing: Inhale deeply as you raise your body and exhale completely as you lower it back down.


    Avoid these exercises if you have any of the following illnesses:

    • heart problems
    • multiple sclerosis
    • Parkinson’s
    • Severe arthritis of the spine
    • increased, uncontrolled blood pressure
    • Hyperthyroidism
    • dizziness

    Problems can also arise if you take certain medications. In all of these cases, you should always consult your doctor before starting any exercise .

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