The Best Exercises For Losing Body Fat

Do you know which exercises are best for getting rid of love handles? Read on to learn more about it.

The best exercises for losing body fat

Would you like to lose body fat? Then you have come to the right place, because we will explain to you what the  best exercises  should look like to stimulate fat burning. However, you have to train regularly to achieve your goal.

Remember that diet is also basic. Only through a combination of measures can you lose weight in a healthy and definitive way. So, what are you waiting for? Start exercising today! 

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The best exercises for body fat

It is important to practice both aerobic and anaerobic  exercises  .

Anaerobic exercises are short and intense, while aerobic exercises are of medium or low intensity, but are longer. Usually both types are combined in one exercise, but one dominates.


Aerobic: walking, jogging.
Anaerobic: weight lifting, abdominal exercises

Warm up

Before you start your workout, you need to do warm-up exercises to stimulate blood circulation and prepare your body accordingly.

Stretching exercises are also very beneficial to avoid injuries!

Loss of body fat

In order to burn body fat more easily, aerobic exercises are usually recommended initially, followed by muscle-strengthening anaerobic exercises. However, interval exercises are particularly effective. Short, intense exercises are alternated with short recovery phases.

This stimulates the metabolism and you benefit from it even the next day. However, a trainer is recommended to avoid injuries.

In the beginning, you need to get your body used to the intensity of the workout first. Start with short exercises and longer recovery periods. Gradually you can then increase.

Don’t limit yourself to just one activity. The body needs variety! Combine aerobic and anaerobic exercise to help burn fat more easily.

Don’t forget to drink enough water and eat healthily while doing this  .  Adapt your nutrition plan to your activities. If you sit all day, your meal plan needs to be different from that of a person who exercises regularly.

Don’t set deadlines and be patient! According to the motto “good things take time”, you should exercise regularly, but not put yourself under pressure. Also appreciate small successes, because this is the only way to get closer to your desired weight in a healthy way.

Make long-term changes to your lifestyle to be successful. You will feel better this way and have more energy! 

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