The Best Foods For Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. However, there are some guidelines for diet, exercise, and drug treatment that will help us keep our blood sugar under control.

The best foods for type 2 diabetes

There are several foods that are recommended for type 2 diabetes as they can regulate our blood sugar. Diabetes is a disease in which our organism’s use of blood sugar is impaired.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes these days. In this disease, the pancreas produces insulin, but the cells in the body do not respond to it normally. This is why there is insulin resistance.

At the beginning, the pancreas tries to compensate for this resistance by producing more insulin. Over time, however, this organ cannot maintain its rhythm and no longer produce enough insulin to achieve normal blood sugar levels.

Due to the deficient absorption of blood sugar by the cells, it happens that this accumulates in the blood. This leads to two problems. On the one hand, the cells do not have the necessary energy. On the other hand, the high blood sugar levels can damage the eyes, kidneys, nerves and heart.

However, you can control type 2 diabetes with some lifestyle changes. This includes a balanced diet, appropriate medication, and possibly extra insulin.

The best foods for type 2 diabetes

Blood test for diabetics
Diabetes test

Changes in eating habits, regular exercise and pharmaceutical treatment are measures that can be used to normalize blood sugar levels in the organism.

It is therefore very important to establish and follow a healthy eating plan, as this is one of the primary treatments for the disease.


Complex carbohydrates
Complex carbohydrates are recommended for controlling diabetes.

Sugar belongs to the group of carbohydrates. You’d think that reducing or eliminating sugar would solve the problem of type 2 diabetes. But it is not that simple, because this measure is not enough to treat the disease.

The group of carbohydrates consists of two different types of compounds. Both play an important role in diabetes:

  • Sugars, or “simple” carbohydrates : These quickly expel large amounts of glucose into the bloodstream. This includes white sugar, some sweeteners, fruits, juice, sugared drinks, milk, yogurt, chocolate, and pastries.
  • Starches, or “complex” carbohydrates : They move glucose into the bloodstream more slowly and in a healthier way. These include rice, pasta, potatoes, bread, and cereal products.

In order to control type 2 diabetes, one has to consume less of these products (especially the simple carbohydrates). For example, there are some natural sweeteners that can help us keep blood sugar under control.

Natural sweeteners: an alternative for type 2 diabetes


When it comes to naturally sweetening our food, stevia is an excellent alternative that brings a completely calorie-free taste.

Stevia is therefore an excellent food for diabetics, as it allows the optimal blood sugar levels to be established. So, this herb can help stop the effects of type 2 diabetes.

Stevia can also have positive effects on glucose tolerance and help us achieve a healthy body weight. For all of these reasons, stevia is excellent at controlling diabetes.

Oils and fats

Healthy diet for type 2 diabetes
A diabetic must be careful to control his fat intake as well.

High-fat foods usually don’t have as direct an effect as those high in carbohydrates. However, too much fat can affect blood sugar levels.

It can also lead to obesity and metabolic disorders that are harmful to health. This is especially true for diabetics.

That is why it is advisable to avoid saturated fats. These are especially found in hamburgers, deep-fried foods, bacon and butter.

It is better to consume monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, such as those found in fish, nuts and vegetable fats.


The intake of fiber, such as those found in oatmeal , barley, fruit, vegetables or legumes, should be increased. After all, these are good foods to help control type 2 diabetes.

The fiber slows digestion and the absorption of carbohydrates. This regulates the increase in blood sugar levels after eating. Therefore, consuming fiber can help keep diabetic blood sugar levels under control.

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