The Best Peelings For Your Skin Type

These natural peelings can improve the complexion of your skin.

The best scrubs for your skin type

Correct use of the best scrubs  has many skin benefits. It’s a simple habit that improves skin regeneration, making it firm and glowing while clearing out impurities.

Then you will find the  best scrubs that  can be made from simple ingredients and are suitable for different skin types.

The best scrubs for your skin

There are several types of scrubs:

  • Mechanical peeling: the grainy texture removes dead skin and impurities. At the same time, skin regeneration is promoted.
  • Chemical peeling: This is done using acids that quickly change the skin’s surface structure and thus improve the complexion.

Both types are very effective, although we recommend avoiding  non-natural chemical peels. If used incorrectly, they could damage the skin in the long term. They are also bad for the environment.

The best peelings for every skin type

You can use the following scrubs once a week for oily skin and twice a month for dry and sensitive skin.

Dry skin

The best scrubs for dry skin

Dry skin needs intensive moisture every day, morning and evening, to prevent it from drying out and preventing wrinkles from appearing prematurely.

It is very important to choose the right facial scrub, because many treatments also dry out the skin. We recommend using an enzyme scrub that isn’t too aggressive, like pineapple.

  • You can use a disc or even the inner part of the shell after peeling.
  • You may feel a slight itchiness if you have small sores or open pores.

Oily skin

If you have oily skin, it is best to use the scrub once a week. You will immediately recognize the positive effect, because afterwards the skin feels supple and gentle.

  • The best scrub for oily skin is fine-grain sea salt.
  • Salt cleanses deeply and supplies the skin with minerals and trace elements.

Combination skin

The best scrubs for combination skin

The combination skin type, which is characterized by the fact that it has areas of the face that are dry and others that are oily, requires a neutral facial peeling, which helps to balance the sebum production without drying out the skin.

  • The best product for this is sugar. You can use fine-grain pure cane sugar and mix it with a few drops of extra virgin coconut oil if you like.

Sensitive skin

The best scrubs for sensitive skin are gentle and natural. Don’t use them too often, twice a month is sufficient!

  • An enzymatic peel with tomatoes is perfect in this case.
  • Incidentally, tomatoes are also very effective for mild sunburn!

Mature skin

The best scrubs for mature skin

With mature skin, wrinkles and dark spots on the skin are more common. A peeling promotes skin regeneration and improves the complexion. This will make your skin look firmer, smoother and more radiant.

  • To exfoliate mature skin, we recommend pureing grape seeds, which are rich in resveratrol, which has a strong antioxidant effect.
  • You can leave the seeds on the skin for a few minutes to act as a rejuvenating exfoliating mask.

Skin with acne

Skin with acne needs an exfoliating method that helps regulate the pH of the skin and fight infection. A good solution is baking soda.

You can add a few drops of tea tree essential oil to multiply the benefits.

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