The Perfect Diet Tea With Cinnamon And Pineapple

Due to its detoxifying and draining properties, this diet tea is a great support if you want to lose weight. Of course, you should also eat a balanced diet.

The perfect diet tea with cinnamon and pineapple

There are a wide variety of teas with detoxifying and antioxidant properties that can be effective in helping you with your diet. Our diet tea is the perfect choice to help you achieve your goal of losing weight effectively.

Tea offers you a combination of different advantages: You get the health-promoting properties of herbs, spices and fruits that boost your metabolism and at the same time a tea gives you the pleasant feeling of relaxation and enjoyment.

Of course, the diet tea alone does not have miraculous powers that burn all fat in the blink of an eye or cure every disease immediately. Nevertheless, the nutrients it contains are very healthy for your body.

There are many different recipes for making healthy teas. In today’s article, we want to show you a perfect option that allows you to detox and follow your diet at the same time.

Are you curious? Then try the tea right away and benefit from the numerous health benefits.

Delicious diet tea with cinnamon and pineapple

The ingredients that you will be using in your diet tea have detoxifying properties. Once your body has absorbed them, they help it remove pollutants and contaminants, thereby speeding up fat burning.

The tea is a perfect addition to your diet as it is rich in essential nutrients that activate your metabolism and lymphatic system. In addition, this diet tea boosts the consumption of calories in your body.

You use green tea as the basis for your hot drink. Along with cinnamon and pineapple, green tea is one of the most recommended natural remedies for weight loss and detoxification.

Before we start preparing the tea, we would like to give you some information about the individual ingredients. After that, you will surely be completely convinced of the positive effects of the diet tea.

Properties of cinnamon

Diet tea - cinnamon

Cinnamon is a spice with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon is used for a wide variety of purposes in both traditional and alternative medicine.

  • It contains essential oils, tannins and mucilage, which are active substances that protect your body from free radicals.
  • In addition, cinnamon contains many valuable vitamins and minerals. They all improve your blood circulation and help your body detoxify.
  • Cinnamon is also excellent for regulating blood pressure, because it optimizes metabolic functions and improves the utilization of sugar as an energy source.

Properties of pineapple

Diet tea - pineapple

The pineapple tastes delicious and gives the diet tea a wonderful taste. It is very versatile because it can be easily combined with various other ingredients without losing the valuable active ingredients.

  • Pineapple is a very good supplier of vitamins A and C; these are very important for strengthening the immune system and relieving infections.
  • Pineapples also contain an enzyme called bromelain. The antioxidant and digestive effects of bromelain help your body cleanse your blood and also stimulate fat burning.
  • The diuretic effect effectively fights inflammation and reduces water retention in the tissue.
  • In addition, the digestion of proteins and fats is improved, which reduces the load on the intestines.
  • The fiber in pineapple helps regulate your cholesterol levels. In addition, fiber has a filling effect, so that you don’t get hungry again so quickly. 

Properties of green tea

Diet tea - green tea

Without a doubt, green tea has many benefits for your body. It has a detoxifying effect and is so effective in helping you lose weight. In addition, the contained antioxidants protect your cells from free radicals.

  • Green tea contains powerful substances such as flavonoids and catechins that prevent cell damage caused by the accumulation of toxins.
  • The active ingredients boost your metabolism. This allows you to keep your weight permanently.
  • The detoxifying properties of green tea also stimulate liver and kidney function. This removes harmful substances from the body quickly and effectively.
  • It also improves your blood circulation and breaks down fat deposits that could otherwise form cellulite.

How do you prepare this diet tea?

If you want to add extra nutrients to your diet, then you should definitely try this healthy diet tea. It will help you lose weight and stimulate your digestion.

Either you drink the tea as part of a detox or you simply enjoy it every day.


  • 250 ml of water
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (2 g)
  • 5 g green tea (1 teaspoon)
  • a slice of pineapple
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)


  • First you bring the water to a boil in a saucepan.
  • Then add the cinnamon and reduce the heat. Now you can add the green tea.
  • Let the tea simmer for at least 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Now cut the pineapple into small cubes and set them aside.
  • When the tea is ready, strain it off and then add the pineapple pieces.
  • Finally, you let the tea steep again for 10 minutes. Now you can drink it.

    How and when you drink the diet tea

    • Drink the tea on an empty stomach or when you are hungry.
    • However, you shouldn’t drink it more than twice a day.

    Are you looking forward to finally trying this tea yourself? Since it has no side effects, practically everyone can enjoy this delicious diet tea. Drink it and let yourself be convinced of the health benefits!

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