The Risks Of A Temporary Separation

Temporary separations are often a double-edged sword: sometimes the separation is a new opportunity, but often it definitely ends the relationship.

The risks of a temporary separation

It is normal for couples living together to have trouble understanding each other or resolving an argument. It becomes difficult when this happens over and over again over a long period of time. Is temporary separation a risk in this case?

It could be the case that you often have loud, heated arguments with your partner. Then you calm down and the argument doesn’t seem so important after all.

Many people in relationships recognize the healing properties of a temporary breakup. It can be revitalizing and relieve tension between partners for a short period of time. But it doesn’t always work that way.

  • All couples have something in common, but one shouldn’t forget the differences.
  • The differences tend not to be the cause of the conflict, but rather the wrong handling of it. This can lead to a temporary separation.

    How long should a temporary breakup last?

    While there is no fixed answer to this question, the ideal duration is likely between two and six months to ease tension.


    Quarreling couple thinks about separation

    End of relationship?

    Often times, when asking for a temporary breakup, one subtly circumscribes just the end of the relationship.

    • In this case, the person’s goal is not to hurt anyone. She will suggest a period for reflection, meditation, and analysis of the situation.
    • The problem is that this usually only delays the final separation.

    Lack of consistency

    In the case of a temporary separation, there is a risk that only one of the partners will want it, but the other will not believe that a separation will solve the problems.

    What can you do in this situation? It is important to speak clearly about it and to be clear about the goals and intentions. Otherwise it’s a waste of time.

    See separation as a solution

    It is important to realize that a breakup is not in itself a sufficient solution, it is only part of it.

    Simply being separated from your partner will neither resolve the conflict nor automatically change the events leading to the separation.

    A much better course of action would be to seek help from a counselor during this time to avoid frustrations or problems not getting properly resolved.

    Promises that cannot be kept

    If a couple decides to break up temporarily, rules must be laid down that both should adhere to in order to eventually find new happiness.

    During this negotiation phase, honesty and a willingness to compromise are essential. Both should only promise things that they can actually fulfill.

    Take your time and avoid despair

    Broken hearts consider separation

    Both should only accept things they are comfortable with. Don’t just agree just to make your partner happy.

    • If your partner asks you for time, you need to give them time. This will help you both heal and reflect on your relationship. It also helps you to be clear about what the relationship should be like if you find each other again.
    • Mentally prepare to leave your partner. A temporary breakup may last longer. You both need to be prepared for the moment to eventually go your separate ways. It’s not easy. During this time, you should do things by yourself that you used to do with your partner.
    • Don’t despair, because if your partner needs time and doesn’t get it, it becomes frustrating for them.

    If you don’t have time to yourself, the temporary separation doesn’t make sense. It could lead to a definitive breakup!

    Couple in conflict considering separation

    Separation is not the solution

    A temporary breakup is usually risky and a double-edged sword.

    • For some couples, this period is healing.
    • For others, however, it can mean the complete opposite and bring with it a huge sigh of relief.

    It is best to think deeply about the relationship and situation before making any decisions. Alone can be useful in order to become aware of feelings and to make the right decision. However, it is a complicated subject, so professional assistance is always recommended.

    Before you decide on a temporary separation, you should consider various possibilities and factors.

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