The Secret Of Beautiful Skin

The secret of beautiful skin is basically to give your skin exactly what it needs to look radiant and healthy. But what is it?

The secret of beautiful skin

The secret to beautiful skin every cosmetic company wants every few months have re-aired. But it’s not that complicated, you don’t need expensive brands, cream jars and serums to show healthy and rosy facial skin.

We’ll show you what the real secret of beautiful skin is!

What is the secret of beautiful skin?

The secret of beautiful skin has by no means been deciphered in the chemical laboratories of large cosmetic companies, they only mix new, expensive creams that are sold to you as a “secret recipe”.

In reality, the secret of beautiful skin is not on the shelf of a perfume store, supermarket or drugstore: it is up to you and how you treat your skin. How to nourish them from the inside and protect them from the outside.

Find out what the real secret of beautiful skin is and apply it!

Cleansing as the secret of beautiful skin

Proper cleaning

It should be clear that beautiful, healthy, glowing skin is naturally also clean skin. Note that our skin has an acidic pH value and a protective acid mantle that protects the skin from external influences. Theoretically, the gentlest cleaning is only with lukewarm water.

If a gentle washcloth with lukewarm water or dampened cotton wool pads is not enough, use a mild washing gel and avoid alcohol and other aggressive cleaning agents. It’s about helping the skin to regulate itself and its functions.

Care as the secret of beautiful skin

Proper care

The skin changes depending on the age. The older you get, the drier your skin is. The secret of beautiful skin is to give your skin exactly the care it needs at your specific age. The climate also plays a role: dry heating air also makes skin dry!

In any case, certified natural cosmetics are a big step towards beautiful skin, because conventional cosmetics often contain silicones and paraffins, which leave the skin feeling great, but do not really care for it.

After cleansing the face, it can be enough to apply a natural vegetable oil to the still damp skin. Almond oil, for example, is good for sensitive skin, while jojoba oil also cares for demanding skin. Coconut oil also has great care effects! There are special face oils for this purpose that make any creams superfluous!

healthy nutrition as the secret of beautiful skin

Right nutrition

It should be clear that a healthy diet also ensures healthy skin. This is not a real secret of beautiful skin, but the great general key to good general health!

A skin-healthy diet consists of lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, little sugar and animal fats and is mainly composed of plant components. In this way, you supply your body and therefore also your skin with important vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which also ensure beautiful skin.

lots of water as the secret of beautiful skin

Drink enough

This is also not a secret of beautiful skin, but general knowledge: if you drink too little, your body cannot have firm, plump skin, because it lacks the liquid to go with it. If you drink enough, you can plump up and tighten your skin from the inside.

Make sure that your drinks are always calorie-free, so that you make sure that the skin plumps with water and not with fat! Water, unsweetened herbal teas, or flavored water are good thirst quenchers.

Woman quit smoking because she knows the secret of beautiful skin

Do not smoke

If you look at the faces of people of the same age over 40 in your circle of acquaintances, it goes without saying : the biggest secret of beautiful skin is to be a non-smoker! Smokers are more likely to have more wrinkles on their faces than non-smokers!

Since nicotine constricts the blood vessels, the skin is also less well supplied with blood. This not only results in wrinkles, but also in a gray, pale complexion that smokers display compared to non-smokers. It is not only useful for beautiful skin not to smoke. But you know that for sure!

Refrain from alcohol

Alcohol is a cell poison and it dries out the body. We have already talked about the importance of fluids for beautiful skin. With regard to plump, moisture-saturated skin, it makes no sense to drink alcohol, because it does exactly the opposite!

If you are into the rosy cheek effect of alcohol, rest assured that a brisk walk in the fresh air has the same effect … with the added benefit of supplying your skin with oxygen.

The secret of beautiful skin: protection from the sun

Sun protection

UV protection is also an important point. UV-B radiation is extremely important for your body to produce vitamin D itself, but you shouldn’t overdo it. If you spend more than 20 minutes a day in the sun (even when the sky is overcast), you should protect your skin with sunscreen.

So the secret of beautiful skin does not lie in a magic cream or a miracle serum. It’s your behavior.

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