Things That Could Help On The Way To Becoming A Non-smoker

Things that could help you on your way to becoming a non-smoker

Becoming a non-smoker is surely the healthiest decision anyone can make who has developed this bad habit at some point in their life.

Year after year we are reminded of the disastrous consequences of smoking for our health, and more and more smokers have a desire to become non-smokers and to improve their quality of life.

One might think that quitting smoking is easy . For someone who is addicted to cigarettes, this is most certainly not the case. Weaning is a long, difficult process that requires strong will and perseverance on the part of the smoker.

Almost all smokers who try to quit their addiction fail the first try and have to try again. The most important thing is not to give up and always keep in mind that it is definitely possible to become a non-smoker.

If you are one of those people who have not yet managed to put the glowing stick aside, then take the following advice to heart. We’ll show you how you can naturally become a non-smoker.

Simple tips to quit smoking

Become a non-smoker
  • Start by setting a date when you want to stop smoking. It doesn’t have to be tomorrow or next week. However, the chosen time should not be too far in the future. In the days before the target date , you then gradually reduce the daily cigarette dose in order to stop smoking a single cigarette from the day you have chosen.
  • Find out what the benefits of being a non-smoker are. That motivates!
  • Replace the unhealthy smoking habit with another activity that you enjoy. You can take photos, play sports, meet up with friends, call your family … there are no limits to your imagination.
  • Let friends and family know that you want to become a non-smoker. They can be of great help when you quit smoking and an additional source of motivation.
  • The day before you finally want to say goodbye to cigarettes, throw all reserves in the trash. Tidy up the home, clean up, do laundry that smells like cigarettes. From tomorrow your home should be a non-smoking household.
  • Get a piggy bank and fill it with all the money you’ve invested in cigarettes so far. At first you might get the impression that only small sums of money come together here. Over time, however, you will see how much money you can save by being a non-smoker.

    Home remedies that will help you on your way to becoming a non-smoker

    In addition to the above advice, you can also make one of the home remedies listed below as an ally in the fight against smoking :



    Ginseng is characterized by the fact that it reduces the feeling of well-being that is triggered by smoking. Consuming ginseng can therefore make a significant contribution to making the path to becoming a non-smoker a little easier.

    The release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that makes you feel good when you smoke, is inhibited and not stimulated by nicotine, as was previously the case.

    chewing gum

    Chewing gum has grown in popularity as a smoking cessation aid in recent years. Ideally, you’ll be chewing sugar-free chewing gum, it won’t damage your teeth as much.

    Chewing occupies the mouth and head and at the same time feels comfortable and is therefore very suitable.



    Valerian has a very calming effect that is useful in times of tension, anxiety and stress, even if these are caused by trying to quit smoking.

    Although there are certain contraindications, drinking 2 to 3 cups of valerian tea per day has been shown to help suppress cigarette cravings.

    It is advised to consume valerian in the evening so that its calming effect, which even helps with insomnia, does not conflict with everyday life.

    Cayenne pepper

    Cayenne pepper is a great tool if you want to get rid of your nicotine addiction. It supports the cleansing of the body from the toxins that are supplied by smoking and reduces the desire for a new cigarette.

    Cayenne pepper can be part of your diet or used as a tea to control nicotine cravings and clear smoker’s lungs.



    Cloves are a very healthy spice that can also be used to reduce the desire for cigarettes. It is recommended to put a clove in your mouth immediately after smoking and keep it in your mouth for 2 hours.

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