This Is How Color Spray Brings A New Breeze Into Your Home

You can easily bring new life to old furniture or decorative objects with color spray. We have some useful tips for you today!

This is how spray paint brings a new breeze into your home

Color spray  is easy to use and very useful for bringing new ideas into your home with creative ideas.

You can use it to decorate a wall, modernize an old decorative object or make furniture up-to-date again. There are countless ways to make old things usable again with  paint spray  and to decorate your home with them. 

There are numerous colors and various textures and qualities: metal paints, acrylic paints, glossy or matte paint sprays, wood and stone textures and much more. With this you can achieve different effects. Let your imagination and creativity run free! 

Color spray has many advantages

Colorspray has several advantages over other paints that you can use to add pizzazz to your home. Some of them are:

  • You don’t need any additional tools (such as a brush, roller or container for the paints).
  • Farsprays are quick and easy to use.
  • The finish is uniform and no brush strokes or other marks can be seen.
  • These are oil-based paints that are more durable than, for example, water-based paints.
  • They cover the surface well and can also be used in hard-to-reach corners.

Things to know before you start

Use paint spray

Before using a paint spray, you should consider some protective measures to prevent hazards and to be able to paint the objects correctly.

  • Color sprays contain a fine colored powder that is sprayed onto the desired area. You need to cover the area well so that there are no stains in unwanted places.
  • You should also wear a mask, as the paint is toxic to the airways. Don’t forget to put on gloves to avoid staining your hands!
  • If possible, use the paint spray outdoors so that the gas doesn’t build up indoors.
  • However, if there is wind, you should interrupt your work. Because you will then need larger amounts of paint and also the sprayed surface will probably not be colored evenly.
  • If it is very hot, the paint can bubble on the surface. 
  • If you spray the items in the sun, the paint will dry much faster.
  • Always try to keep the same distance to the object when spraying so that you achieve an even result. Move the paint spray evenly from side to side and avoid spraying on the same point for longer.
  • If the result is not consistent, wait for the item to dry and then repeat the process one more time (or two more).

You will get great results with these tips. Now you just need a little imagination and creativity to implement the following ideas, or to realize your own. 

Ideas with color spray to bring a new breeze into your home

1. Rainbow fan with spray paint

If you have a fan to better endure the summer heat, you can paint it in a variety of colors. We recommend that you use rainbow colors. Proceed as follows:

  1. Remove the fan grille.
  2. Cover all but one of the wings with newspaper.
  3. Then spray the free wing in yellow paint.
  4. Then do the same with each wing and paint each with a different color of the rainbow (red, green, blue …).
  5. Once all the blades are dry, you can put the grille back in and you have a brightly colored, modern fan.

When you start your original fan and turn the blades,  you can enjoy the colors that mix. 

Breathe new life into metal pots with spray paint

Breathe new life into metal pots with spray paint
You can make new, happy pots out of old metal containers. It’s very easy with color spray!  You can also use tin cans  and make small plant pots out of them. 
  1. If the container has a paper label, you will need to carefully remove it first.
  2. Once the metal container or tin is dry, place it on newspaper and spray it the color you want. Metal colors look particularly great,  but choose what suits your apartment best. Stone textures are also excellent.
  3. You will need to carefully spray all of the areas to prevent the can from rusting.
  4. If you want to plant plants that need a lot of water in it, you will need to make a few small holes in the soil so that the excess water can drain off.

Restore your old lamp with paint spray

You can easily recycle old lamps with spray paint and bring them back to their original shine. Proceed as follows:

  1. First, sand off the old paint well so that the surface of the lamp is completely smooth.
  2. Cover the inside and the cable well, especially the base, so that you can insert the light bulb correctly afterwards.
  3. Then spray the lamp the color you want. Here, too, metallic shades are excellent.
  4. Finally, let the paint dry well. You already have a new lamp that perfectly matches your decoration.

Spice up old furniture with paint spray

Spice up old furniture with paint spray
Renew your furniture with spray paint, no matter what material it is made of.
We have another interesting tip for you: How to bring order out of chaos: Recycle boxes

You can use spray paint on virtually any material or surface. It doesn’t matter whether your furniture is made of wood, plastic or metal: you can easily modernize it and transform it into a completely new piece of furniture. You don’t need a lot of time for that.

  1. Cover the areas with newspaper and tape that you don’t want to paint (handles, for example).
  2. Then sand the surfaces well to remove any varnish or paint residue.
  3. Then you can apply the spray to the furniture.
  4. Then let the paint dry and apply another coat of paint.
  5. If you wish, you can finally apply varnish so that the surface shines more beautifully and the furniture is better protected.

Paint a work of art with spray paint

With a little creativity and imagination, you can use different color sprays to paint a work of art to decorate a wall in your home. You don’t have to be able to paint or draw to frame the picture. It’s very easy:

  1. Use a canvas or other surface to frame your picture.
  2. Gather branches and leaves that you like and spray paint on one side. Before it dries, lay the twigs and leaves in the desired order on the canvas and carefully press them onto the surface. Secure them with easily removable tape.
  3. After that, you spray another paint that combines well with the colors of the leaves and twigs all over the picture.
  4. Let everything dry well and then carefully remove the branches and leaves. Your own work of art can certainly be seen!

You can of course use this technique  with other objects as well. Let your imagination run wild and develop your own style!

Decorative flower vases with color spray

Decorative flower vases with color spray
Colored flower vases bring life to your home and are very easy to make!
Use old flower vases or glass bottles that are standing around uselessly.  By painting them, they can be turned into great minimalist decorative objects. 
  1. You can put tape on the vase or bottle to create great patterns. You can decorate the vases with stripes, geometric figures, stars or dots.
  2. Then you spray the vase with the color you want. Here, too, metallic shades are excellent and look very elegant.
  3. Once the paint is dry, you can remove the adhesive strips. The vases are also a great gift that will bring joy on any occasion.

New life and new color for dry arrangements

Do you have dry arrangements or dried flowers at home that you would like to shine again? Here, too, paint spray can help you. 

  1. Choose the dried flowers or twigs you want and spray them with paint. You should keep a certain distance while doing this in order to get a vibrant end product.
  2. Pastel colors are particularly suitable in this case to get the most natural result possible.

You probably still have your own ideas on how to use color spray sensibly. Get creative and turn old objects into new, modern decorative objects to decorate your house. The possibilities are endless.

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