This Is How You Can Exercise In A Healthy Way!

In order to do healthy sport, some things are important, which we would like to bring you closer to today.

This is how you can exercise in a healthy way!

Sport is healthy, but healthy exercising is not a matter of course! If you don’t heed a few basic rules, exercise can do more harm to the body than exercise can be useful in principle. It’s not difficult, but you should really take care!

It is better to exercise healthily than to overdo it!

If you want to exercise healthily , you should adhere to certain basic rules so as not to harm your body. It’s easy to get injured while exercising or to put more stress on your body than exercise should be.

It does not matter which sport you play, if you want to exercise healthily, the basic rules for all sports apply. If you observe them, nothing stands in the way of healthy sport and you can benefit from the health-promoting effects of sport with a clear conscience. These are the most common mistakes you shouldn’t make if you want to exercise really healthily:

Exercise on an empty stomach

It is a misconception that the body falls back on the fat deposits when you exercise on an empty stomach. On the contrary: if you exercise soberly, you reduce your muscle mass and thus your basal metabolic rate, so that you gain weight faster with less food. Stupid, right?

When you exercise without eating, your body goes into the emergency program. Your muscle motor is getting too little fuel for the required performance. So it is only logical to downsize the engine in order to get by with less fuel. It is not only logical but also easy for your body to generate energy from protein (your muscle mass),  not from fat.

So if you want to exercise healthily, you should eat something light before exercising. A snack that has carbohydrates in it is especially good because that’s what your muscle engine uses for fuel. This can be a serving of fruit, a pretzel, a roll, … Don’t eat too much, but never go to exercise sober!

Exercise healthily and drink plenty of water

Drink too little

Those who do sport also lose fluids through sweating and breathing. This has to be refilled continuously. It is not a good idea to go to exercise with a well-filled “water belly “, but before you go, 1/4 l of fruit juice spritzer is ideal.

During exercise, you should continue to replenish your fluid reserves, around 250ml per 15 minutes of endurance sport is ideal. This is not always easy to implement, but after half an hour you should “refill” with a quarter liter of liquid at the latest.

Don’t forget to drink enough after exercising to not only prevent dehydration, but also to replenish glycogen stores in the liver and muscle mass. Fruit juice spritzers are well suited to this, you do not need any special isotonic drinks.

Exercise healthily and take a break


In particular, those who want to lose weight tend to overwhelm themselves with sports. The will to lose more and faster body weight with more exercise is great, but often the shot backfires. Excessive demands are of no use, except sore muscles and a bad mood. In addition, excessive stress puts a strain on your cardiovascular system and has nothing to do with strengthening, health-promoting exercise.

Even if you don’t have a heart rate monitor; if you can still have a relaxed conversation while doing endurance sports, then the pace is right. This is the area in which you not only relax, but also train effectively and do not put any strain on your body. Perhaps at the beginning this is a pace that does not yet fall under “sport” for you, but you will see that you can increase it over time and still have a relaxed chat!

Exercise healthily

Wrong breathing

If you breathe incorrectly, you get a stitch, you probably know that. Stitching in the side occurs when the spleen, located in the left half of your waist, contracts. By contracting the spleen, an additional approx. 300ml of blood is pumped into your circulation so that the body can use it to transport more oxygen.

But he only has to do that if you are not giving him enough oxygen due to incorrect breathing. If your breathing is too shallow or the rhythm is unsuitable, you are pumping too little oxygen into your blood through your lungs and your body has to help itself – you get a stitch in your side. Correct breathing prevents this.

Exercise healthily and then a massage

Too little relaxation

Many rush from their jobs to sports, from sports behind the stove and from the stove straight to bed. The relaxation that sport should actually bring for body and mind is completely eliminated. However, many sports studios now offer options for relaxation after exercise: whirlpool, sauna, massage, …

Use these offers to do healthy sport and also to relax your head and all muscle groups with sport and not to stress them permanently. A sauna session or a massage after exercise softens the muscles and relaxes them wonderfully …

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