Throat Pain: These 10 Foods Help

Carrots are rich in vitamins A, C and K, fiber and potassium. Eating cooked carrots helps relieve sore throats while also strengthening the immune system

Throat Pain: These 10 Foods Will Help

Throat pain  can manifest itself as a symptom of a viral infection at any time . This, in turn, can eventually result in a cold, flu or glandular fever.

Also, bacterial infections, such as a conditional streptococcal sore throat can be accompanied by a sore throat. As a further trigger different allergies come into question, the inhalation of contaminated air, smoking or breathing sleep through the mouth while.

Regardless of the cause, throat pain should be taken seriously so that it does not lead to a more serious health problem. The trigger should be identified and combated as far as possible.

While we don’t like to think about food when we have a sore throat, there are some foods that can speed up the healing process  and relieve sore throats.

In this article, we’ll introduce you to  the top 10 foods  that will provide your body with the nutrients it  needs to fight a throat infection. At the same time, you can alleviate the associated sore throat. 

10 foods that will help with throat pain

In the following, we will introduce you to 10 foods that will help you heal throat pain. Read on to find out more.

1. Bananas

Bananas can help relieve pain in the throat

Bananas are high in vitamins and minerals.  These include above all vitamins B6 and C as well as potassium. Bananas are soft, so they simply pass the throat and are easy to swallow. In addition, they are not acidic and do not irritate.

2. Lemon and honey

Our grandmothers already knew this remedy, which has been used for generations to relieve pain in the throat. It is an excellent remedy for infection.

The preparation is very easy. All you have to do is mix two tablespoons of lemon juice with one tablespoon of honey. You can then take the mixture straight or diluted in a cup of lukewarm water  .

3. Ginger tea or tea with honey

Ginger tea with honey for throat pain

To soothe the irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat and the sore throat, drinking ginger tea or tea with honey is highly recommended.

Ginger tea has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.  Therefore it is able to reduce the irritation of the mucous membrane in the throat.

Honey has an antibiotic effect and thus optimally complements the properties of this tea. Since additional bacterial colonization of the mucous membrane cannot be ruled out in the case of viral infections, and honey generally calms the mucous membrane, it is suitable as a remedy for sore throats regardless of the cause.

4. Oatmeal

This is a soft food that can be swallowed almost without any problems, even with a sore throat. If you combine the oatmeal with honey and / or bananas, the positive properties of all these foods can even be used at once.

Oatmeal contains soluble fiber that can help reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, it contains a not inconsiderable amount of proteins that increase our performance and give us a feeling of satiety for a long time.

5. Whole wheat pasta

Whole wheat pasta provides the body with important nutrients, such as:

  •  Fiber
  • iron
  • zinc
  • Vitamins B1, B2, B3 
  • Vitamin E.

The pasta helps to soothe a sore throat because its consistency makes it easy to eat , while at the same time strengthening the immune system and helping it fight the infection. Ideally, the pasta is eaten warm, with a sauce that is not too fat.

6. Cooked carrots

Boiled carrots for a sore throat

These vegetables contain the following nutrients, among others:

  • Vitamins A, C and K.
  • Fiber
  • potassium

It is a food that supports the function of our immune system and thus helps against sore throats when it is consumed cooked. Note, however, that consuming raw carrots is not recommended for those with sore throat. Because raw carrots irritate the mucous membrane even more and that in turn can even worsen the problem.

7. Chicken soup

Chicken soup is a classic remedy from grandma’s kitchen that strengthens the immune system, fights infections and alleviates their symptoms (throat pain and a stuffy nose). 

It has mild anti-inflammatory properties and prevents the viruses from infecting the mucous membranes. You can also add the following vegetables to the chicken soup:

  • Carrots
  • Onions
  • celery
  • Beets
  • Potatoes
  • garlic

8. Scrambled eggs or egg whites

Egg is a food that is particularly easy to digest and, in addition to proteins, provides other important nutrients. Scrambled eggs or egg whites can help reduce inflammation and pain in the throat. Be careful not to season the egg, however.

9. Sage

Sage helps with throat pain

This plant is an important natural remedy that has been used since ancient times to relieve various ailments. So also throat pain.

Sage contains a considerable amount of enzymes that intervene in the metabolism of oxygen, flavonoids and phenolic acids. You can make an infusion of sage and then drink it as tea or add it to a soup.

10. Garlic and onion

Both garlic and  onion contain various sulphurous substances that loosen the mucus that is stuck in the airways. In this way, they make it easier to cough up the mucus. 

They are considered to be powerful natural antibiotics that can be used to fight bacterial infections while also relieving symptoms such as a sore throat.

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