Tips For Back Pain And Sore Throat

Back pain and sore throat can be due to both physical and emotional causes. With regular exercise and healthy lifestyle habits, you can go a long way toward alleviating this ailment.

Tips for back pain and sore throat

Computers, tablets, smartphones … all these devices form part of our lives and help to be informed and in contact with others. However, the use of these devices can lead to back pain and sore throat.

Sometimes the sore throat can even be felt in the arms!

The solution, of course, is not to do without these devices entirely. However, it is important  to make a habit of exercises and activities that can help alleviate these unpleasant side effects.

Before we show you the appropriate exercises, we would like to take a closer look at how injuries occur in the aforementioned areas of the body.

Muscle contractures cause back pain and sore throat 


Contractures are injuries that occur  when the muscles are tense for too long. 

If this is the case, the muscle will shorten and consequently can no longer relax.

Depending on whether the muscles are strong or less strong, the  pain is less intense or very pronounced. 

The back and neck are so sensitive because these areas are used relatively rarely and the muscles are therefore not trained. We only remember it when pain occurs.

It is therefore important to strengthen the muscles in the back and neck area.

In addition, it is advisable to change various lifestyle habits  and avoid stress as much as possible. Otherwise chronic complaints can occur.

Exercises to prevent back pain and sore throat

Make sure you maintain proper posture before starting the exercises. We recommend the lotus position, if this is not possible, you can also sit differently, but your back must always be straight.

Breathing is also very important because the oxygen supply to the body depends on it.

Inhale slowly until your stomach lifts and then slowly exhale again. So you can relax and reduce stress at the same time.

  • Slowly turn your head from side to side , making sure that the neck is not shifted and that it is always in the middle. 
  • Physical exercises must be carried out gradually and gently, otherwise the risk of injury increases significantly.
  • Repeat the exercise five times on each side.

    2. Bend your head back

    This exercise must be done slowly and gently. Make sure that your back is straight and your neck is not displaced.

    • Gently bend your head back and then forward until you touch your chest with your chin.
    • Do this exercise five times.
    • Do not forget that the movements have to be done very slowly! 

    3. Lateral stretch 


    In this exercise, the head is bent sideways towards the shoulders. Here, too, the movements must be carried out gently and slowly!

    • Gently bend your head to one side and stay in this position for a few seconds.
    • Also repeat this exercise five times on each side.

      4. Stretching exercise

      • Bend your chin down, then turn your face to the right without exerting yourself.
      • Then you stretch the neck very gently by slowly moving it downwards and to the side with your hand at the back of the head. The shoulders remain relaxed.
      • Remain in this position for 10 seconds.
      • Then do this exercise on the other side.

      Enjoy your free time


      Don’t forget that a lot of the time, sore throats and back pain are caused by stress. It is therefore important to enjoy sufficient free time in addition  to relaxing exercises.

      You can make a list of activities that you enjoy and do whenever possible in your daily life.

      Some people make it a habit to reward themselves with enjoyable, entertaining activities after completing their duties. Take time for yourself to escape the spiral of stress!

      Plan your day, enroll in an interesting course or arrange a fixed period of time for activities with friends. In this way you can force yourself to really keep these relaxing moments.

      Health is the result of physical and mental balance. If one of these pillars becomes fragile, the other will be strained as well.

      Do you give up pleasure in order to meet all of your obligations? Think about how you can reconcile both and take time for yourself!

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