Tips So That Your Children Get Strong, Beautiful Hair

A healthy diet is particularly important for children. It ensures you strong, healthy hair and also influences the growth of the hair.

Tips to help your children get strong, beautiful hair

Children develop, their hair develops with them. Over time, you can see a lot of changes in your children’s hair. Babies tend to have very little thick hair, but before you know it, your child will have very thick, beautiful hair.

In order for your child’s hair to grow as beautiful and strong as possible, it needs appropriate grooming. 

But it is also very important that we convey norms and values to the children at an early stage , which will serve as a guide for them when caring for their body and hair.

It is not only about the beauty of the child, it should also learn at an early stage to maintain appropriate hygiene and to take care of itself.

In this article we would like to give you a few simple tips on how you can support your children on their way to strong, shiny hair.

1. Learn about your children’s hair growth

Don’t worry if your little girl or boy had hardly any hair on their head when they were born and a few months have now passed without this picture having changed much. It is completely normal.

Every child’s hair growth is different  and there is little more than a little patience.

Usually, by the age of 3, the head is completely covered with hair, the hair is shiny and may even be a bit curly.

One must also know that the hair with which children see the light of day is not the final hair on the head. Many dwarfs have very light, blond hair at the beginning, but it gets a little darker over time.

The same thing happens with the eyes. Often the children are born with blue or grayish eyes. This color changes at around 8 or 9 months of age, and only then does the final shade appear.

Any why is this the case? In small children, the cells that produce the pigment melanin are still very immature, so the final colors of hair and eyes, as given them in the form of genes, cannot be consolidated this early.

2. Nutrition for strong, beautiful hair in your children

Banana shake for beautiful hair

As you already know, children should have a varied and balanced diet. Your diet should be rich in vitamins and proteins. Okay, but what kind of nutrients promote vigorous hair growth?

Vitamin B7 (biotin) is essential for healthy hair growth , especially during childhood.

Although our genes determine the development of our hair and, for example, determine how much hair we have, a suitable diet is crucial for the healthy growth of hair.

Therefore, you should make sure that your children’s diet includes the following foods:

  • Eggs
  • Whole grain bread
  • Yogurt, cheese
  • avocado
  • Raspberries
  • Sardines
  • salmon
  • Trout
  • nuts
  • banana
  • tomato

Nice hair in children

beautiful hair needs care

Does children’s hair need to be cared for in the same way as ours? How can I take care of my children’s hair so that it is as healthy and beautiful as possible ? There are various recommendations that are sure to be of great use to you in everyday life. Just give it a try.

1. How often should I wash my children’s hair?

There is no need to wash children’s hair every day, it just makes them dry out. Ideally, you should wash your hair every other day.

However, this recommendation will depend on the activity level of your children. For example, if you are very nervous and sweat a lot, your hair may need to be washed more often.

Always remember to use hypoallergenic products for your children’s hair care that do not disturb the natural pH level.

2. Difficult to comb hair

The long hair of young girls in particular is often difficult to comb because numerous small felts and knots have formed. This hair should be combed two to three times a day, this also promotes blood flow to the scalp, brings more oxygen to the hair roots and stimulates hair growth.

Also note the following tips:

  • Coconut Oil : You already know numerous health and beauty benefits of using coconut oil. Coconut oil is also great as a hair conditioner. All you have to do is put a few drops of the oil in the palms of your hands and then spread it all over your child’s hair from the roots to the tips. Then try to detangle the child’s hair with a wide bristle brush.
  • Lukewarm, distilled water and hair conditioner : Another piece of advice. To do this, we put some distilled water, which does not dry out the hair, into a spray bottle and then heat it up slightly. Now we mix it with our normal hair conditioner and shake the mixture. After spraying your child’s hair with it, it will be much easier to comb through.
  • Treatment with apple cider vinegar once a week : All you need to do is mix 100 ml of water and 25 ml of apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle. This is applied to the child’s hair that is still damp. Now you have to wait 15 minutes before washing the hair with normal shampoo. You will see how this treatment gives beautiful hair a silky shine!

3. No to straighteners and hairdryers that reach high temperatures

There is certainly nothing wrong with using the straightening iron on your children on a particular occasion. However, for the sake of the health of our children’s hair, these devices should rarely be used. The same goes for hair tints, dyes, etc.

The later children get used to these techniques, the better it is for their hair health. Also, don’t forget that combing your hair before bed is important. At the same time, all hair ties, clips and jewelry are to be taken off.

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