Tooth Decay: Causes And Natural Remedies

We’ve all heard many times that sweets can cause tooth decay.

Tooth decay: causes and natural remedies

Tooth decay: It is a disease that causes the destruction of hard tissue in teeth. This happens when there is demineralization caused by the acid in the plaque.

We’ve all heard many times that candy can cause tooth decay . But there are also many other foods that promote the development of tooth decay.

It is really true that dental problems are often due to a faulty diet. Preventing tooth decay problems is in our hands.

Two factors

There are two factors that apply to patients with tooth decay:

  • Bad digestion
  • Excessive consumption of certain foods

There are people to whom one of these factors may apply but who still do not suffer from tooth decay. For example, there are people who consume large amounts of sugar but still do not suffer from tooth decay.

Or on the contrary: people who have a balanced diet can still develop tooth decay. In these cases, poor digestion is likely to be to blame, but patients do not show symptoms.

The acid

Depending on our diet and the digestive system, the pH level in our digestive system varies. This is responsible for the fact that we have a saliva that can fight against bacteria in the mouth and against pathogens.

So it can be said that  bacteria alone are not responsible for tooth decay.

Foods that produce acids

  • Pre-cooked or processed foods
  • White sugar and all foods that contain sugar
  • refined flour
  • Large amounts of meat
  • cheese
  • coffee

Cheese platter

One tooth, one organ

As a rule, an adult human has thirty-two teeth. Each individual tooth is connected to a vertebra in the spine and each vertebra is in turn connected to an organ or gland.

If one of our teeth is affected by tooth decay, it is a sign that one of our organs is not working properly. The canines, for example, are connected to our liver and bladder.

The importance of calcium

Calcium is a mineral that makes teeth strong. The teeth are then able to prevent tooth decay. The following elements are high in calcium:

  • Sesame (tahini or sesame paste, gomasio and sesame salt, sesame oil etc.)
  • Broccoli (Broccoli sprouts are even better)
  • raw almonds without salt
  • Kefir (even better than yoghurt, as the fermentation makes kefir even easier to digest. We can also make kefir with goat’s milk.)
  • Algae (preferably organic algae so that they do not contain any poisons from the sea)

The homeopathic additive Calcium Fluoratum can also be taken occasionally. That way we can even better balance our calcium content.

A simple natural remedy

A good way to clean our mouths is to use sodium carbonate when brushing our teeth.

However, this should not be used daily or in large quantities. However, the use of sodium carbonate is recommended if you have eaten acidic food or if you have inflamed gums.

Oregano essential oil

Oregano is a natural source of antibacterial properties. To use the essential oil, we put a drop on a spoonful of vegetable oil. We use it to brush our teeth occasionally. If the taste of the essential oil is too strong, we dissolve the drop in a little more vegetable oil.


Natural mouthwash against tooth decay

We can make our own natural mouthwash from essential oils.


  • 3 drops of clove essential oil
  • 10 drops of mint essential oil
  • 3 drops of tea tree essential oil
  • 1 drop of cinnamon essential oil
  • 3 drops of thyme essential oil
  • 40 drops of liqueur
  • 100 ml mineral water

Mix the ingredients and shake the liquid well. Then keep in a dry and cool place.

If the mouthwash is also used by children, we leave out the essential oil of mint.

Mouthwash with sea water

In herbal and natural stores we find small bottles with purified sea water that we can also use for mouthwashes.

Sea water contains a large amount of alkaline solution  and also contains all the minerals of the periodic table in a proportion that is healthy for our body. .

If we live near a sea with clean water, we can take the water directly from there. It is important to do this early in the morning and that the water does not come from the surface of the sea, where litter can accumulate, but from further below.

Pictures by ulterior epicure and Fernando Stankruns

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