Treatment For Strong Bones And Joints

Discover an excellent natural recipe to strengthen bones and joints. 

Treatment for strong bones and joints

Strong bones and joints  can be achieved through natural products, which in addition to a balanced, healthy diet can be of great benefit.

Today we are going to introduce you to a simple home remedy that, depending on the case , can be used either as a supplement or on its own  for strong bones and joints  .

Bones and joints support the entire body, so it is essential  to protect your health and prevent pain,  as this can have a very negative effect on daily activities.

Proper care of bones and joints can prevent restrictions in everyday life and a reduced quality of life.

With advancing age there are signs of wear and tear. Bone or joint pain very often arise as a consequence of inflammatory processes or injuries and can lead to chronic diseases.

Symptoms can vary,  but at some point in life almost everyone will have these ailments. If this is the case, a specialist must be consulted to determine the exact causes.

There are several methods that can be used to achieve strong bones and joints. Often times, healthy lifestyle habits are combined with natural remedies to prevent complications.

Nature provides us with various sources  that can be used to promote bone health. Many medicines also use at least some of the natural substances. Many plants, seeds, oils etc. hold true treasures for our health.

Natural solution for strong bones and joints

Natural solution for strong bones and joints

Then we recommend a natural remedy that  has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects  while strengthening the bones and reducing joint pain.

This remedy combines honey, raisins and gelatin, all of which contain nutrients that are very important for the bones and soothe inflammation and discomfort.

This remedy is characterized by an abundance of  natural enzymes, fiber and amino acids that  strengthen the bones and joints and have an analgesic effect.

In addition, this remedy has the following benefits:

  • Calcium and magnesium  are fundamental to maintaining bone density, especially for those who are sensitive to wear and tear.
  • The remedy also provides small amounts of potassium, which balances the sodium balance and prevents fluid retention in the tissues.
  • It contains an important proportion of omega 3 fatty acids,  which are known to reduce inflammation and are effective against circulation problems.
  • The biologically high quality proteins as well as vitamins and antioxidants  promote collagen production and consequently protect the joints. 
  • The remedy also provides a lot of energy  when taken regularly. You can use it to improve physical and mental performance throughout the day.

Recipe for strong bones and joints

Recipe for strong bones and joints 


  • 2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds
  • 2 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin
  • 5 tablespoons of flaxseed
  • 3 tablespoons of raisins
  • 1 cup of honey


Put the seeds, gelatine, raisins and honey in the blender and process everything well until you get a homogeneous mixture. You then keep this mixture in a sealable glass jar in the refrigerator.


  • It is best to take this home remedy in the morning on an empty stomach, if  desired also before dinner.
  • You will need to take it for a long time to see results.
  • You can also dissolve this home remedy  in a cup of lukewarm water  to make it easier for you to consume.
  • Store in the refrigerator for a maximum of two months.

Additional recommendations

plenty of water for strong bones and joints

In order to optimize the results,  it is necessary to follow a healthy diet. A couple of recommendations:

  • Limit the consumption of sweetened soft drinks, fast food, salt, and sugar.
  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains.
  • Choose plant-based milk (preferably with calcium and magnesium) to strengthen bones and joints.
  • If you suffer from swelling and fluid retention,  don’t forget to drink plenty of water and diuretic drinks.
  • Supplement a healthy diet with  sporting activities that adapt to your capacities and needs. 

    Do your joints hurt and feel heavy? Do you want to prevent bone problems? Then we recommend this simple and purely natural home remedy. It will keep your bones and joints strong! 

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