Type 2 Diabetes Causes

With the doctor’s recommendations, proper treatment, and a healthy lifestyle, type 2 diabetes can be controlled and you can learn to live with it.

Type 2 diabetes - causes

Type 2 diabetes   is a widespread disease affecting thousands of people worldwide. Although this disease is not contagious, it is spreading rapidly and has been called the epidemic of the 21st century.

Type 2 diabetes can have serious consequences, and if not controlled, even death.

You probably know people who suffer from this disease, so it is good to know the different forms of diabetes:

  • Type 1 diabetes, formerly also known as juvenile diabetes. It is a congenital disease.
  • Type 2 diabetes,  usually a bad lifestyle leads to this disease, as many people eat poorly, either because they lack time or because it is easier and cheaper.

    What is Type 2 Diabetes?

    Until a few years ago, only adults were affected by this disease, which is why it was formerly known as adult diabetes.

    This metabolic disease is caused by insulin resistance, which causes a lack of insulin. As a result, the sugar cannot be channeled into the nerve cells, but remains in the blood.

    The result is an increased blood sugar level, which is also known as hyperglycaemia. In the long term, this disease can cause severe organ damage, such as kidney or heart damage.

    Other consequences can be blindness or poor wound healing. Adolescents and children are more and more often affected by this metabolic disease.

    So far, type 2 diabetes cannot be cured.

    However, with appropriate treatment and strict adherence to the doctor’s instructions and a greatly changed lifestyle (especially with regard to diet), those affected can learn to control this disease.

    You can learn to live with it, because you will be accompanied by this disease until the last few days.

    What are the causes of type 2 diabetes?

    Type 2 diabetes usually results from poor diet and lack of exercise.

    Over 90% of diabetes patients are overweight. The risk of developing type 2 diabetes is particularly high in people with bacon.

    If, in addition to being overweight, there is also a lack of exercise and you therefore cannot use up the remaining calories, the risk increases significantly.

    There is also a genetic risk of developing type 2 diabetes, which means that if someone in the family suffers from this disease, preventive measures should be taken, as the disease can be passed on.

    People who regularly eat a lot of foods with carbohydrates as well as sugar and few fruits and vegetables are more prone to type 2 diabetes.

    In today’s society, it is easier and cheaper for many people to eat badly. Many enjoy fast food that is available anywhere, anytime for a cheap price. In doing so, they do not think about their health.

    If we make an effort and eat healthier, this disease can most certainly be avoided.

    Type 2 diabetes can have serious consequences such as loss of vision, kidney problems, limb amputation due to poor blood circulation, etc.

    This epidemic can continue to spread and more people will suffer from it every day, which is very worrying.

    We hope that now that you know the main causes of this disease and its serious consequences, you are ready to practice healthy habits to keep type 2 diabetes away.

    We encourage you to share this knowledge with your family and friends who may be at risk.

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