Voice In Old Age: 10 Tips To Keep It Healthy

Voice formation is essentially influenced by the upper larynx and differs from person to person. The fact that our voice changes with age is still subject to hormonal changes.

Voice in Age: 10 Tips to Keep Them Healthy

Voice formation is essentially influenced by the upper larynx and differs from person to person. The fact that our voice changes with age is still subject to hormonal changes.

Anyone who reaches a certain age will find that it no longer sounds like it used to. This change is known as presbyphonia  and is the result of natural changes in the larynx during the aging process.

The larynx and vocal cords can vibrate to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the condition of the individual, but also depending on age. Over time, they lose elasticity and collagen fibers.

What is voice training?

Everyone has their own voice, which distinguishes them and makes them unique. Because of this, it needs to be looked after. What we know as voice training is largely influenced by the upper larynx. Our vocal resonance thus also varies – even with age.

Hormones play a major role in the process of changing the voice: testosterone in men and estrogen in women. In old age, testosterone decreases in men, which is why their voices sound more fragile. In women, on the other hand, it appears a little lower due to the estrogen.

Five changes in voice with age

As already mentioned, the voice can take on different traits with age . While many adults retain their youthful voices, there are some generally noticeable changes.

  1. Thinner Voice: Its sound is less resonant. The vocal cords inside the larynx become finer and less flexible. This is because they lose muscle strength over time and vibrate less.
  2. Rougher voice:  This sounds rougher because it requires stronger vibration to produce a clear tone. Therefore, anything that interferes with the closing of the vocal cords or damages the larynx makes it appear rougher and hoarse.
  3. Weaker voice volume: The aging process also affects voice volume. In addition, people with an altered breathing system may notice that their vocal performance becomes quieter.
  4. Changed vocal sound:  This change can also be traced back to the muscle wasting of the vocal cords; in women partly due to hormonal changes.
  5. Voice fatigue:  Those who normally have a strong voice, but this fades away during the day, may have what is known as voice fatigue. Like any other form of fatigue, it is also associated with consumption – here the voice.

Maintaining your voice in old age: ten tips

Prevention is the best way to avoid possible voice problems and to take care of them. In the following, we will therefore give you a few tips on how you can prevent diseases that can affect your vocal organs at an early stage.

  1. Don’t strain your voice and avoid screaming.
  2. Avoid noisy places so that you don’t have to speak against the noise when you are in them.
  3. Do not smoke or stay too long in places with smoke as it irritates the larynx.
  4. Do not try to speak when you are hoarse.
  5. If you have inflamed mucous membranes, an allergy, or frequent coughs, you should consult a doctor for appropriate treatment.
  6. If you have hoarseness or voicelessness and this situation lasts more than ten days, you should also see a doctor.
  7. Drink two liters of water a day. This keeps the mucous membrane that surrounds the vocal cords adequately hydrated.
  8. Rest enough as physical exhaustion is reflected in your voice, especially if you need it for work.
  9. Whenever possible, avoid speaking for more than four hours at a time or singing for more than two hours, as this will affect the vocal cords.
  10. Reduce your consumption of alcohol and caffeine as they dehydrate the vocal folds. You should also try to eat a balanced diet and avoid spicy foods and dairy products, which can have a negative effect on them.

Conclusion on voice in old age

There is not yet sufficient data on vocal change in old age to develop a concrete avoidance strategy. However, it is clear that the tips mentioned in this article prove to be particularly effective and can help you to maintain them later in life.

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