What Can Camphor Be Used For?

Camphor has numerous uses, but does not help you lose weight. Excessive consumption can be toxic, so you should only take this product in moderation.

What can camphor be used for?

Your grandmother must have recommended camphor at one point or another . This remedy can help with various ailments, such as colds, respiratory problems and nasal congestion.

In this post you will find out all you need to know about camphor .

Properties of camphor

The tree from Borneo from which camphor is extracted also bears the scientific name Laurus Camphora.

The oil is very common all over Europe, it has been used  for centuries to cure diseases and neutralize bad odors.

Camphor is an almost transparent substance with a slightly whitish color that is also used as an insecticide, antiseptic and flavoring agent. You probably know the typical aroma,  it is fresh and a little strange.  It is available in the following formats:

  • Essential oil: For vapors, stomach pain and colitis.
  • Ointments: For  relaxing massages.
  • Liquid: For a wide variety of applications.

What is it used for?

The taste is a bit bitter, similar to mint,  but at the same time fresh and a bit strange.

When it is applied to the affected areas, a feeling of numbness can often be felt, because this agent has  analgesic properties  and is absorbed very quickly (caution: some people are allergic, which can lead to skin irritation after use).

Camphor can be used for the following purposes:

  • Improve blood circulation
  • Prevention of diseases such as conjunctivitis and red eyes
  • against flatulence
  • Chickenpox prevention
  • has a digestive effect
  • improves metabolism
  • helps with joint pain (for example rheumatism or arthritis)
  • relieves pain from blows as well as bumps, sprains or bruises
  • helps with muscle inflammation
  • clears the airways (perfect for colds)
  • has an expectorant effect
  • Disinfection of wounds
  • helps with skin and nail fungus
  • as an insect repellent
  • relieves itching from insect bites
  • helps with skin conditions like acne as well as pimples
  • strengthens the immune system (and then prevents various diseases)
  • relaxes the body in combination with other plants such as lavender, chamomile and basil.
What-is-camphor-suitable for

Side effects

While camphor can be used for a variety of purposes, it should be done with caution. An  overdose can then lead to symptoms and have a toxic effect.

An overdose can have the following effects :

  • Break
  • a headache
  • Colic
  • Irritation

It must not be used in the following cases :

  • Open wounds
  • scratch
  • sensible skin
  • Nasal cavities (in people with asthma)
  • Facial skin

Caution: it cannot be used for weight loss

Camphor can then also be found in various recommendations for weight loss. However, this is misinformation and great caution is advised with miracle cures from the Internet.

Camphor cannot be used to lose weight because the dose would have to be very large. As mentioned earlier, a high dose could be toxic.

The weight-reducing effect is justified by the fact that it curbs the appetite and helps with the elimination of water via the urine and the skin.


While this may be true,  there are no scientific studies on the effects of camphor for weight loss. In addition, the amounts required for this would be harmful to health (and could even be fatal).


As already mentioned, only very small amounts of this agent are used. The type of application depends on the complaints:

  • Diluted  with olive oil for rheumatic pain,
  • diluted with neutral soap for arthritis,
  • in hot water for a face steam ,
  • in ointments for muscle pain,
  • essential oil for relaxing and therapeutic massages,
  • you can also moisten a piece of cloth with it to drive away insects,
  • a few drops on cotton wool to treat wounds and stitches,
  • in combination with other aromatherapy oils,
  • as incense sticks or  fragrance dispensers.

For cleaning the household


If you don’t want to use camphor because it can be excessively toxic,  you can at least use its excellent properties  to clean your home. It can also be used as an air freshener, especially in the bathroom and bedroom.

Camphor smells pleasant and also has a relaxing and calming effect. It helps to balance emotions and to reduce tiredness (especially mental) and stress.

You can just add a few drops to the water and use it to clean the floors. Another option is to fill it in a spray can to disinfect curtains, carpets and blankets.

This is perfect against insects,  viruses and bacteria. Your home will smell so nice and be clean and disinfected at the same time.

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