What Does Torticollis Have To Do With Stress?

In the neck and neck area, overload due to stress is usually the first noticeable. Avoid abrupt movements and use home remedies such as heat and cold treatments to relieve pain.

What does torticollis have to do with stress?

Do you know this unpleasant pain caused by a torticollis – called torticollis in technical terms ? This ailment is very common and can cause severe discomfort, sometimes even requiring a sick leave.

Those affected actually have a crooked, stiff neck, which can cause pain or dizziness and nausea when moved.

Not much can be done until the swelling subsides , which is why sufferers often resort to pain medication. A few days of rest are also usually necessary.

However, to prevent it from getting that far in the first place, preventive measures should be taken. It is important to know that torticollis is usually triggered by stress.

Today we invite you to learn more about this topic and to get to know various treatment options in order to calm down the symptoms as quickly as possible.

What is the relationship between torticollis and stress?

Doctors point out that torticollis is mostly due to two different causes:

Hereditary reasons

A poor position of the fetus, intrauterine pressure during pregnancy or a familial predisposition to certain muscle anomalies in the neck and neck area can be the cause of torticollis.

Acquired Reasons

The most common causes of torticollis are: bad posture, accident and injury and especially exhaustion and stress.

In long-lasting stressful situations, not only metabolic and hormonal changes can occur. The muscle structure is also overloaded.

In most cases the muscles in the neck, neck, shoulders and back are not trained enough, not elastic enough and not used to enduring continuous tension.

The trapezius muscle and other muscles in the neck and neck area are often weak  because they are rarely needed. This is why tension very often accumulates in this sensitive area.  

Stiffness and overload lead to inflammation and swelling of the nerves, muscles and the entire very complex structure from head to shoulders.

The best treatments for a torticollis

Rosemary alcohol

1. Rest

You need time for yourself. The torticollis is a warning sign to watch out for. Think about what changes you can then make in your life and learn  to set priorities.

It will take you 1 week to 10 days for the unpleasant symptoms to subside and your throat to be fully functional again. You should be calm during this time and avoid stress.

  • Try not to put unnecessary strain on the neck and try to force it.
  • Pay attention to harmonious movements in the area of ​​the head, neck and shoulders. Avoid sudden and abrupt movements, twist your whole body, not just your neck.

2. Cold and heat treatments

Treating the affected area with cold and heat is one of the basic techniques  for relieving muscle inflammation. This is how this is done:

What do I need for this?

  • Cotton cloth
  • 500 ml of water
  • rosemary essential oil
  • a bag of ice cubes or an ice pack that can be bought for this purpose.


  • Do this simple treatment three times a day. First you bring the water to a boil. Then wait until it reaches a tolerable temperature and no longer harms your skin.
  • Usually the cold and the heat are alternated every 5 minutes. First, put the ice pack on.
  • Then you dip the cloth in the hot water, let it drain, add a few drops of rosemary essential oil and place the cloth on the affected area.
  • This treatment lasts for 20 to 25 minutes.

3. Follow the recommendations of the specialist

Many people pay too little attention to the advice of the specialist or do not visit them at all. You should follow the specialist’s recommendations,  especially if you feel compelled to take pain relievers or sedatives.

Self-medication should definitely be avoided.  Follow your doctor’s advice.

4. Gentle exercises after the acute phase

  • Listen to your body: In the first few days you should be calm and not move too much.
  • After a few days, however, as soon as the neck and neck area is no longer too tense, it is advisable to  carry out gentle, harmonious exercises.
  • Gently move your head left and right. Only as far as your pain allows.
  • Avoid moving your neck back,  this could make the discomfort worse. All movements must be done carefully and gently.
  • Use your hands to gently massage the painful area using circular motions.

After a few days the pain will subside.

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