What Happens In Our Brain While We Sleep?

The nocturnal rest is crucial to consolidate the new information, data and memories of the day in the brain.

What happens in our brain while we sleep?

Various scientific studies by the Institute for Sleep Disorders of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) found that a third of the population suffers from sleep disorders. What happens to  our brain while we sleep.

In the long term, sleep problems can have a strong impact on our everyday lives. Many sufferers feel powerless and exhausted and are unable to carry out everyday activities at school, at work or in their leisure time.

For this reason, we would like to explain to you what happens in our brain when we sleep and how important a healthy sleep is for us.

Sleep is extremely important for our body!


Our brain never rests

This is what scientific research carried out by the University of Chicago claims . These studies further explain that neurons activate themselves synchronously in seconds to process the information accumulated during the day.

Our brain takes care of itself

The Journal of Neurocience reported that more mielin is produced in our brain during sleep to repair damage.

Our brain breaks down toxins

Scientists at the University of Rochester found that while we sleep, our brains activate all mechanisms to break down toxins that accumulate during the day.

This mechanism is known as the glyphatic system, it is activated during sleep and is used to break down beta-amiloids.

Our brain has memory

Various studies by the University of California (UCLA) have shown that the regions of the brain that are responsible for our memory are activated during sleep.

This activity was measured carefully, especially in the three major brain regions: the hippocampus, the entorhinal cortex, and the neocortex.

Our brain learns

The Journal of Neuroscience confirms in various publications that our brain processes the information that we receive during the day while we sleep.

We learn and assimilate these namely by consolidating the data and all learned motor activities during the night.

Sleep is important to our figure

When we don’t get enough sleep, the level of leptin in our body drops sharply. Leptin is a hormone that suppresses hunger. Instead, ghrelin levels, an appetizing hormone, rise.

For this reason, it is very important to get enough sleep and also to really rest. Your family will also benefit, because after a good night’s sleep you will be much more relaxed and your quality of life will improve.

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