What Helps Against Sagging Breasts

Sagging breasts are not a medical problem, but an aesthetic one – but not for every woman!

What helps against sagging breasts

Sagging breasts are the least popular type of breast among women and the main reason for breast lift surgery. To pendulous breasts have grown up various myths and wisdom – we give here a detailed overview!

Sagging breasts: what is it?

There is even a medical term for sagging breasts: ptosis! And this even though sagging breasts are not a medical problem at all, but a purely aesthetic aspect that torments some women more than others.

It is popularly said that the “pencil test” shows when it is a sagging breast. A pen is clamped under the chest. If it remains trapped in the fold of the breast, the popular saying goes, it is a sagging breast.

However, this is medically incorrect, because in medicine one speaks of a ptosis only when the nipple comes to lie below this breast fold. Depending on the distance between the nipple and the crease, the sagging breast is divided into subcategories from one to four.

Breast cancer sagging breast

How does a sagging breast develop?

The shape of a female breast is determined by many factors. On the one hand, it is genetically predetermined in which direction the breast develops, on the other hand, women can also do something to prevent sagging breasts.

If there is already a sagging chest, neither creams nor exercises will help to tighten it again. It is important to keep the breast tissue as it is! The following factors play a role:

Smoking and sagging breasts

Smoking causes sagging breasts

Smoking destroys the elasticity of body tissues. Everyone can see this on the face: wrinkles form much earlier than in non-smokers.

But the elasticity not only decreases in the face, but also in other parts of the body. This can cause previously firm breasts to sag and lose their stability. Non-smokers live longer (and) nicer!

Bra against sagging breasts?

Doing without a bra makes sagging breasts

The connective tissue and ligaments around the chest are unable to support the weight of the chest in all situations. A bra, especially when exercising, prevents the connective tissue from tearing and ligaments from stretching and hanging.

Make sure, however, that the bra is not too small, because that will also damage your chest! If the bra or underwire in it squeezes the breast tissue for a long time (several hours) under pressure, the lymph flow is disturbed and the temperature in the breast rises.

This can promote or promote inflammation. As the name suggests, a bra should hold and support the breast, but not constrict and squeeze it.

Muscle training against sagging breasts

Does a strong chest muscle help?

A well-trained and strong pectoral muscle forms the basis for a tight, firm chest, but cannot cause sagging breasts to rise again. Therefore, when exercising, make sure that you also train your pectoral muscles so that they help to keep your breasts youthfully firm.

The older, the weaker

With age, the elasticity of the connective tissue decreases and this promotes the development of sagging breasts. This is a perfectly normal process of aging and is irreversible.

Connective tissue is made up of collagen fibers. The more firmly these structures are built, the less likely it is that sagging breasts will develop. The collagen fibers need certain nutrients and vitamins to be built up well: Vitamin C is one of them.

For the sake of your figure and your love handles, you should pay attention to a lot of fruit and vegetables in your daily diet anyway. Your connective tissue is also happy about it! And ultimately you too when you look in the mirror!

Pregnancy as a cause of sagging breasts

Pregnancy makes your breasts limp?

Pregnancy does not necessarily lead to sagging breasts, but it can promote it. During pregnancy, there is also the fact that the elasticity of the skin is reduced due to the hormonal changes and an existing weakness of the connective tissue is aggravated.

This can lead to a loss of breast firmness, but there are always several factors that contribute to sagging breasts!

Stay slim!

The simplest answer for everyone who is afraid of sagging breasts is this: keep your own body weight constant!

Since overweight is also responsible for a large number of secondary diseases and health risks, one should not only pay attention to a healthy diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and little fat for visual reasons – sagging breast reasons.

If the weight stays within limits, so do the breasts! Because a large part of the breast tissue is ultimately also made up of fat!

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