What Is Stenocardia?

A stenocardia or a tight heart can be a serious sign of a heart attack. Find out what to do in this case.

What is stenocardia?

It is important to allow yourself time to recover after a  stenocardia . The lifestyle usually has to be changed, because healthy habits are fundamental. After all, it is a serious cardiovascular problem.

Then find out what  stenocardia  is, which symptoms indicate it and how you should react in an emergency.

You can also find tips on how to recover from illness to improve your quality of life. 

What is stenocardia?

Stenocardia is also known as  angina pectoris  , which already indicates the symptoms, because this is called “tightness in the chest”.

This is caused by a circulatory disorder in the coronary arteries. Because as a result, the heart muscle cannot be supplied with sufficient blood. Depending on the extent of the symptoms and the condition, drug or surgical treatment is necessary.

As a rule, coronary artery disease is responsible for the tightness of the chest. When the coronary arteries are narrowed by arteriosclerosis, not enough oxygen gets to the heart muscle. This leads to discomfort, especially when exposed to heavy loads. 

Stenocardia can not only be provoked by excessive stress, but also by copious meals or cold. This can happen at any age. 

How do you recognize stenocardia?

Symptoms of tightness of the heart usually start gradually. It comes to:

  • Pain in one or both arms
  • Discomfort and tightness in the chest,
  • Anxiety, tiredness and difficulty breathing
  • Nausea, dizziness and nausea,
  • general discomfort and
  • Pain in the back, neck and stomach.
    Woman with stenocardia

    What to do if these symptoms show

    It is very important to react correctly immediately because angina pectoris can also be a heart attack. Time plays a crucial role here in order to save lives: 

    • Call an ambulance.
    • Try to calm the person down so that they can breathe more easily.
    • Loosen your clothes to improve blood circulation.
    • Ask the person if they have any prescription drugs that may be important. However, you must not give any medicines that have not been prescribed by your doctor.

    You can’t leave the affected person alone, even  if they say they don’t feel bad. 

    Recovery from stenocardia

    Healthy lifestyle

    Avoid stenocardia bad habits

    After a stenocardia, you may be motivated to shed unhealthy vices and improve your life. Keep the following tips in mind to reduce  the risk of further discomfort:

    • Quit smoking
    • keep a healthy weight,
    • avoid lack of exercise,
    • avoid high cholesterol and
    • High blood pressure.

    The recovery phase

    Some tips to help you recover from angina:

    • You need a lot of rest in the recovery phase. Avoid stress, anxiety, or manic emotional states. 
    • A good night’s sleep is also very important. During the day, you can take a nap if necessary.
    • Gradually you can resume your activities and bring exercise into your daily life. However, be careful and avoid overloading.
    • Avoid sudden movements or lifting heavy objects. You have to take care of your body! Short walks are perfect for getting things moving. Light housework is also possible.
    • It is very important to refrain from alcohol and tobacco. You should also avoid secondhand smoke!
    Women doing sports

    Healthy eating

    You should avoid the following foods or at least only consume small amounts of them:

    • Fat foods
    • Ready meals
    • Fried
    • industrial baked goods
    • sugar
    • Poor quality cooking oil
    • sausage
    • cheese
    • White flour
    • processed dairy products
    • sugary soft drinks
    • salt

    The following foods are recommended:

    • fruits and vegetables
    • Juices and homemade smoothies
    • full grain
    • Nuts and seeds
    • Superfoods (spirulina, brewer’s yeast, hemp seeds, cocoa etc.)
    • Mushrooms
    • Seaweed
    • natural sweeteners: honey, stevia, xylitol etc.
    • Sea salt or Himalayan salt (in moderation)
    • fish
    • Eggs

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