What You Can Do To Cleanse The Bladder

In order to cleanse the bladder and the kidneys naturally, it is important to reduce salt consumption and drink enough water.

What you can do to help cleanse the bladder

Is there anything you can do to cleanse the bladder ? The bladder performs extremely important functions of the body. The urine is collected in it, which is then excreted.

It is a very sensitive and disease-prone organ that can suffer from inflammation, hyperactivity or cancer. That is why it is important to take appropriate care and strengthen the bladder. Then learn what you can do.

Cleansing the bladder

Have you ever suffered from a urinary tract infection? As already mentioned, the bladder is a very sensitive organ, the walls of which react to the substances in the urine.

As a result, illness and inflammation can occur. The substances that are excreted are ultimately toxins.

Incontinence or an overactive bladder are disorders that affect everyday activities and, for example, cause you to have to go to the toilet more often or suffer from ailments that can become chronic.

This is why it is important to learn how to care for your bladder and know what foods and methods to keep it healthy and strong.

One fact that should not be forgotten is that bladder cancers are increasing from tobacco use.

Many of the harmful substances in cigarettes, such as nicotine, are absorbed by this organ through the walls of the bladder and, as a result, tumors can develop. This is a serious condition and some of the bladder has to be removed.

The consequence of this is that those affected are dependent on an artificial replacement bladder that is attached to the stomach for life.

So the first piece of advice we can give you is to quit tobacco if you are a smoker. For the sake of your health, quit smoking!

1. Cleanse your bladder twice a week


It is necessary to take care of the bladder for a day every three days . This also cleanses the kidneys, so these tips are worth following up on.

Reduce the salt consumption in your daily diet, if possible you should completely avoid salt. Every three days, you should include a day to clean your bladder and kidneys and follow these advice:

  • Do not drink coffee, carbonated or sugary drinks.
  • Don’t consume foods that are high in protein.
  • Every three days you should then have a fruit and vegetable day, on which you also drink natural juices and water. On this day, avoid meat, salted products, sweets and refined flour.
  • Then drink two liters of water a day.

2. Cranberry juice


This juice is undoubtedly one of the best remedies to treat and heal the bladder. The protective function of cranberries has been proven in many studies. These berries strengthen and prevent infection.

In addition, cranberries cleanse that excess calcium that accumulates in the bladder and prevents the proper functioning of the organ.

The bladder can function more slowly due to calcium deposits and toxins, and urinary tract infections or kidney stones can increase. You too can begin to benefit from the benefits of cranberry juice.

3. High-potassium juice for breakfast

carrot juice

You are probably wondering how this high-potassium juice is made. Very simple: you puree the following ingredients with the blender: a carrot, a piece of celery, two spinach leaves, some parsley and water.

This juice tastes delicious and is very healthy. It has a strong cleansing effect and provides your body with a lot of energy in the morning. You will like it!

4. Watermelon


Watermelon protects the bladder and has a dehydrating effect. Consume this fruit as often as you can. You will feel the regulating properties. Watermelon also protects against infection and makes the work of the kidneys easier.

You can also eat this fruit as juice or in salads at any time of the day.

5. The benefits of chlorophyll


Chlorophyll is ideal for the care of the bladder and also for general health.

You can find chlorophyll in capsule form in health food stores and pharmacies. This natural substance is very beneficial for the metabolism and also strengthens the immune system.

Chlorophyll cleanses the blood and strengthens our organism, so we recommend that you take chlorophyll five consecutive days a month.

Base maintenance is very simple and essential for good general health. Get started today.

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