When Dust Mites Become A Problem

To prevent mites from multiplying wildly in your sheets, you shouldn’t make the bed as soon as you get up.

When dust mites become a problem

When do dust mites become a problem? They often cause allergies. These small animals mainly live in a humid environment and are mostly observed in autumn.

In this article, we’re going to give you some simple advice to keep dust mites from becoming a problem.

If you are allergic to dust mites , you will already know these tips. For others, it is interesting advice to avoid the problem.

Dust mites: Less moisture

As mentioned earlier, dust mites live in a humid environment. Try to reduce the humidity (depending on the climate, location, etc.) in the individual rooms. 

You can use natural or electric dehumidifiers for this, which are set up in different parts of the house or apartment.

Ventilate the rooms daily

Mild dust can multiply particularly well in a damp and warm environment, especially in bed linen, curtains, in the sofa, in the pillows, in the soft toys , in the mattress, in the tablecloths, in the carpets, etc.

Some of these things are, of course, inevitable, but with others we can consider whether they are really necessary.

We definitely recommend that you ventilate your rooms every day. Even if the sun can shine directly on the areas with the suspected dust mites, this is a good precaution.


Clean with rosemary vinegar

The preparation of rosemary vinegar is very easy. To do this, take some fresh rosemary leaves and soak them in vinegar for a week. You can then use this vinegar as a disinfectant and natural cleaning agent.

Moisten a cloth with the vinegar and use it to clean furniture or the floor.

Fragrance diffuser with essential oil

A scent diffuser not only creates a pleasant atmosphere, it can also help with the natural control of house dust mites. The following flavors are best:

  • lemon
  • cinnamon
  • Lemongrass
  • mint
  • Tea tree
  • rosemary
  • lavender

If you don’t have a distributor, just put a few drops in a spray container with water and spray all the rooms with it.

When purchasing essential oils, make sure that they are of high quality and purely vegetable. Artificial fragrance oils are not suitable.

Plants as air purifiers

A natural and inexpensive solution to keep the air in the rooms clean is to buy various plants. Not every plant has the same effect, some can even steal our oxygen. But there are plants that purify the air. These plants include:

  • Chrysalidocarpus lutescens (bamboo palm):  This plant purifies the air during the day. Don’t forget to wipe the leaves from time to time. The plant needs little maintenance because it is very adaptable and can also grow in little light and little moisture.
  • Sanseviera trifasciata (bow hemp, tiger tail, tiger tongue, San Jorge sword):  This plant converts carbon dioxide into oxygen during the night. That’s why you should put this plant in your bedroom.
  • Epipremnum aureum (Efeutute, Aureum, Pothos):  This is a very popular houseplant that is very resistant. However, it should not be in direct sunlight.
  • Other plants that are highly recommended are:  green lily, ivy, ficus and dieffenbachia.

Wash once a week

In general, it is advisable to wash all fabrics once a week, otherwise dust mites can nestle. Use hot water and a splash of vinegar (rosemary vinegar). It is ideal to let the laundry dry in a dryer or directly in the sun.

Don’t forget to clean your sofas, armchairs, and chairs regularly.

Anti-mite products

There are a number of products on the market today to  limit the spread of mites. These products are usually relatively expensive, but they are recommended for those with mite allergies.

You can use special covers that protect against mites for pillows and mattresses.

Not all products available are really effective. Test these to make sure they are actually producing the results you want.

Images provided by Chiot’s Run and rabiw

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