White Laundry: Tips Against Gray Haze

Hydrogen peroxide bleaches laundry and is therefore very helpful for a brilliant white and for removing stains.

White laundry: tips against the gray haze

White laundry is very practical as it can be easily combined with all colors, but unfortunately stains or gray haze are particularly easy to see on it.

If not handled correctly, a yellow tinge often makes white laundry  unsightly over time.

Sweat, food scraps and other impurities can get stuck in the fabric and the laundry quickly looks old and worn.

To prevent this, the industry has provided a wide variety of products  with which the white laundry can be treated so that it then retains its original color.

However, many of these products contain aggressive chemicals that are harmful to the environment, human health and the textiles themselves.

Fortunately, there are several  home remedies that can produce similar results.  The advantage here is that they are inexpensive and environmentally friendly. Do you want to know more about it? Then read on.

Soda for white laundry

Baking soda

If you get into the habit of using baking soda with normal washing,  the laundry not only stays bright white, it also becomes nice and soft.

This can also reduce stains, whereby the effect of normal detergents on clothing is increased.


  • 3 tablespoons of baking soda (30 g)
  • Detergent (powder, as much as necessary)

What should I do?

  • Soak the laundry in the washing powder and baking soda for about 20 minutes.
  • Then wash as usual.

Lemon juice and salt

Lemon juice is one of the best bleaching agents and therefore helps to achieve an intense, brilliant white. You can use it to prevent gray haze and treat stains.


  • 1/2 cup salt (125 g)
  • 2 lemons, the juice of them
  • 2 liters of water
  • neutral soap (as much as necessary)

What should I do?

  • Put the lukewarm water in a saucepan and add the lemon juice, salt and neutral soap.
  • Now the desired items of clothing are soaked in this mixture for at least an hour.
  • Then rinse and let dry in the sun.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Hydrogen peroxide

Even if these agents are aggressive, we mention them as they are  excellent at removing dark spots that no other method will go away.


  • 1/2 glass of hydrogen peroxide (100 ml)
  • 1 liter of water
  • 5 drops of ammonia

What should I do?

  • Pour the hydrogen peroxide into a vessel with the water and add the 5 drops of ammonia.
  • The laundry is soaked in it for half an hour. Then rinse.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Do your favorite T-shirts have sweat stains under their armpits? This is where apple cider vinegar can help very effectively. The active ingredients contained therein remove sweat and deodorant residues  and make clothing white again.


  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar (125 ml)

What should I do?

  • Put a little vinegar on the contaminated area and let it work for half an hour. Then rinse.
  • Repeat this treatment every time you wash the garment.


    Many know that milk can remove stains on the skin. What most of the people ignore, however, is that this property also works extremely well against the unsightly yellow tinge of laundry.


    • Milk (as much as necessary)

    What should I do?

    • Chill the milk in the refrigerator and then soak the laundry in it.
    • Let the milk sit for at least an hour before washing and rinsing the laundry with ordinary soap.

    Cooking water from eggs with lemon juice

    Infusion water

    The water that is left over after the eggs have been boiled then contains a lot of calcium. This mineral then helps to fix the colors.

    Having a pattern printed on the whites is an excellent tool as it does not change the original colors.


    • 1/2 liter of cooking water from eggs
    • 1 lemon

    What should I do?

    • Squeeze the lemon and then mix the resulting juice with the water from the eggs.
    • You soak the laundry in it for 30 minutes, after which you can rinse it in the washing machine.

    Hydrogen peroxide and lemon

    Both ingredients contain  substances that effectively remove the unsightly yellow tinge and stains from laundry.

    If you combine both products, you can achieve even better results.


    • 1 lemon
    • 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide (250 ml)
    • 2 glasses of water (400 ml)

    What should I do?

    • Squeeze the lemon and then mix the juice in a container with the hydrogen peroxide and the water.
    • Use this mixture during the rinse cycle of the washing machine or soak the laundry in it.

      Were these alternatives interesting for you? Use the method that you like best. You will see  that everyone ensures that the laundry is beautiful and shiny.

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