Why Do Warts Develop?

Even if they are not dangerous in most cases, they do not look very nice. Warts can be removed by the doctor with cryotherapy or with traditional home remedies.

Why do warts appear?

When warts is skin lesions that can take on different shapes and appear on certain parts of the body.

Even if warts are generally not dangerous and the problem is more aesthetic, it makes sense to have them examined and treated, especially if they are painful or if the warts appear on sensitive parts of the body.

In the following we will explain to you why warts develop and which natural and effective treatment options are available.

In some cases it is advisable to see a dermatologist who will find the right treatment options for you. The signs we should look out for are:

  • Inflammation or bleeding from the wart
  • pain
  • Warts in the anal or genital area
  • have diabetes or AIDS
  • Changes in the color or appearance of the wart
  • permanent problems in removing the wart

Should the doctor decide to remove the warts, cold treatment (cryotherapy) is more effective and less aggressive silver nitrate. In some cases, doctors may recommend surgical removal, although this is more of an exception.

Remember that warts can be very contagious : they can spread to other parts of the body not only to other people, but also to yourself. Children and adolescents in particular often suffer from warts.

The papilloma virus


Warts are caused by the human papilloma virus, of which there are over 70 subtypes. This virus ensures that the skin cells multiply very quickly, so that benign ulcers develop that are not dangerous, but contagious and annoying.

When a person gets this virus, they usually have  a weak immune system that has been unable to stop the virus.

The virus is latent in our organism and can break out at any time if our body’s defenses are weak. Because of this, there are people who keep showing up with warts.

Apart from visiting the doctor, we recommend that you strengthen your immune system. You should also eat a healthy diet, lead a balanced life, exercise a lot, and avoid unhealthy habits.

Take an echinacea regimen twice a year. This medicinal plant strengthens the immune system. However, only take this plant as a cure, otherwise it may lose its effectiveness.


 How is Echinacea used? 

  • Take the remedy for three months. Then stop for 15 days and start a month-long regimen.
  • Maintenance dose: 2.5 g per day.
  • If you have a particularly weak immune system, it is worth taking 5 g of the product daily.
  • If the infections become more frequent, double or triple the maintenance dose until the infection subsides.
  • If the infection persists, you should continue the high dose (5-7g) until the infection has completely subsided. You can then take the normal dose.

Notes: Children under three years of age should not take the product. When taking caffeine and immunosuppressive drugs at the same time, there may be interactions. People with allergy to daisies should be careful.

Natural remedies for warts

Aside from medical treatments and the ability to boost your immune system, there are also some time-honored home remedies that can help remove warts. These can be practiced at home.

Milk from green figs

When you pick fresh figs, a white, creamy milk comes out of the stem. Put a drop of this white liquid on the wart and repeat this process several times. This substance will help you “burn” the warts one by one.



Garlic helps with a wide variety of health problems. You can improve your body’s defenses with raw garlic. It is also a good idea to practice the Tibetan garlic cure, which increases the medicinal properties of garlic even further.

You can also put the garlic directly on the wart and secure it with tape or a plaster. Then change the bandage every twelve hours until the warts are gone.


This plant eliminates warts and small accumulations of sebum. Take a twig, chop it up and put the “pulp” on a piece of tape. Then let the agent soak in for about half an hour and let it dry.

The process should be done once a day. Wash your hands well after using them.

Images courtesy of avogel_schweiz y de keepps

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