Why Do We Get Gray Hair?

The first gray hair makes us aware that the aging process has already started. But how does gray hair develop and which influencing factors have to be considered in this context?

Why do we get gray hair?

The first gray hairs are usually noticeable in their mid-thirties and early forties, but they can also show up earlier. Sooner or later it affects everyone, because with increasing age the organism produces less melanin and we get gray hair. 

It is a natural aging process that cannot be stopped. From the age of 30, the likelihood of gray hair increases by 10 to 20% with every decade. But not only age plays an important role in this context; other factors must also be taken into account. Find out more about this topic today.

The first gray hair

The color pigment melanin, which is produced by special skin cells (melanocytes) and stored in the hair, is responsible for the hair color  . The variant eumelanin is responsible for brown and black hair, pheomelanin produces blonde and reddish hair. The ratio of these two pigments determines the hair color and also the color of the skin and eyes.

Over time, however, the production of melanin decreases. In most cases this occurs from the age of 30, but if the hair turns gray before the age of 20, doctors speak of a rare “canities praecox”.

Why do we get gray hair?

The current state of knowledge assumes two main causes of graying hair:

  • Genetics: The genes responsible for this process have not yet been identified, but it is known that genetics play a crucial role in this. It affects the age at which hair begins to turn gray. Premature graying is more common among fair-skinned people and people from Asia.
  • Diseases: Vitiligo, for example, destroys the pigments that are responsible for coloring hair. The following situations have similar consequences: pernicious anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency, hypothyroidism and Werner syndrome.

    In addition, other factors can also accelerate the graying process. The following play a fundamental role in this:

    • Stress: The metabolism and hormones can be affected by stress and this has an impact on melanin production. Therefore, people who often go through restless and stressful times get gray hair faster.
    • Unbalanced Diet: Scientists believe that a lack of antioxidants and vitamins affects hair color.
    • Toxins: Smoking, alcohol and other drugs are also said to accelerate graying. However, there is no firm evidence of this.

    Current facts about gray hair

    Gray hair

    A group of German scientists conducted research that concluded that the low melanin production was due to an excessive concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the hair cells. This could be avoided by eating foods that contain catalase such as avocado, leek, onion, beef liver, etc.

    On the other hand , Professor Desmond Tobin from the University of Bradford (UK) came to the conclusion that there is a kind of “biological clock” in the hair follicle. It determines the point in time at which the melanocytes stop pigmenting the hair. What’s special about it: There are signs that this process can be reversed.

    At the same time, a study by Professor Irini Samuel (University of Cairo in Egypt) found that there is a connection between the process of graying and the risk of coronary disease (heart disease) in men. Men who gray early are at greater risk of developing heart disease.

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