Why Is Gelatine Recommended?

Gelatine contains proteins and minerals that are very important for bones and joints. When you consume gelatin, you also absorb collagen, which makes the skin firmer.

Why is gelatine recommended?

Gelatine is often used for desserts, but it is good to know that it also has various health benefits.

It can be found in jam, ice cream, some yoghurts, various sweets, marshmallows and also in some sauces. In addition, it is used in various cosmetics and medicines.

Then you will learn more about the health benefits of gelatin .

Weight control

With the consumption of gelatin, the production of growth hormone is boosted. At the same time, the metabolism is promoted through nutrients and amino acids.

In addition, it contains fiber and proteins,  which ensure a pleasant feeling of fullness and satisfy the desire for sweets. This is very beneficial because you then only eat what your body actually needs.

Many nutritionists recommend gelatin as a substitute for sweets. The best thing to do is to make these yourself. You can use different silicone molds for jello. You can also use gelatine in a wide variety of desserts.

Faster wound healing


You know for sure that proteins play an important role in wound healing. In addition, the amino acid glycine helps reduce inflammation, which is also of great help.

When you eat gelatin, you supply your body with glycine and protein, which is  why it promotes skin regeneration and wound healing. 

Healthier nails, hair, skin, and teeth

The care of nails, hair, skin and teeth is not only important for the external appearance but also for health. They all have one thing in common: Queratin.

You are probably familiar with a wide variety of products with queratin from advertising, but many of them are relatively expensive.

If you don’t want to spend that much, you have an excellent alternative: gelatin  also contains large amounts of queratin. 

Improves bone and joint health


Gelatin not only contains proteins, but also selenium, phosphorus and copper. This combination keeps your bones strong and increases mineral density.

This is how you can prevent osteoporosis.

On the other hand, the amino acids contained in gelatine, as already mentioned, reduce inflammation, which could lead to joint problems.

This mixture of animal proteins also strengthens the cartilage tissue,  which in turn benefits the joints and bones. 

This is especially important if your doctor has told you that you are suffering from joint wear and tear and that you already have joint pain.

Improves sleep

Glycine is also closely related to the sleep-wake cycle. This amino acid  stimulates various neurotransmitters and enzymes that improve the quality and duration of sleep. 

For this reason, gelatin can also help you regain more energy. Just try a jelly before bed.

You will see that your sleep will be more restful and deeper and that as a result you will feel more rested the next day.

Against premature signs of aging


Gelatin is dry collagen,  a very important substance for skin health.

One of the advantages of collagen is that it makes the skin more elastic and firmer.

So if you consume more collagen,  it will show up in firmer, younger-looking skin. 

Of course, this doesn’t mean that wrinkles won’t appear over time, but you can delay the aging process a bit.

Better digestion

Gelatin naturally combines with water, so the fiber it contains is more easily absorbed.

Including gelatin in your diet regularly can help  prevent constipation and improve the absorption of nutrients. 

It also stimulates the digestive juices and improves intestinal peristalsis.

Alleviates allergies

Many allergies are attributed to a “permeable” intestine that  cannot process certain substances correctly. 

Gelatine can therefore not only improve digestion,  but also alleviate certain allergy-related problems. 

We recommend that you eat gelatin every now and then and that you eat a healthy diet in general!

Stimulates the immune system

The proline contained in gelatin is an amino acid that is associated with a better functioning of the immune system in many animals and also in humans.

This means that you can use  it to fight off infections and diseases better.

Eat gelatin without fear


Usually no adverse effects can be felt,  sometimes an upset stomach or stomach pain can occur if, for example, you eat too much jelly, but this only happens very rarely.

Because of this, you can easily incorporate this remedy into your diet. You can combine it with a wide variety of foods, such as yogurt, fruit or desserts.

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