Why Pride Sometimes Makes Us Sick

Pride can disguise deeper problems that can reveal themselves as illnesses if we don’t solve them properly.

Why pride sometimes makes us sick

Pride causes mischief; An old Chinese proverb says that humility allows the harvest to ripen. And as is so often the case, there is more to this proverb than some can proudly admit – or would like to. Learn more!

Pride arises in ourselves

Do you know what pride is This excess of appreciation and admiration that we can have for ourselves that makes us believe that we are better than others. Today we’re going to see the reasons why too much pride is viewed as disease – or can lead to disease.

Sure, we have occasionally met someone we have described as “ proud ”. This person didn’t seem happy or feeling any better than others. He also seemed to be in constant stress and anxiety. However, we can only achieve this if we observe very closely and do not allow ourselves to be blinded by its pride.


Proud people often suffer from stress

Being proud makes people feel bad. Because even though they want to feel better than others, the truth is that they have very low self-esteem behind them. This does the following in proud people:

  • They compare themselves with others: so that no one takes this position as “better” or “superior”, they are always vigilant and compare themselves with others in order to confirm their beliefs.
  • They hide their insecurity: People hide their insecurity through pride and live in constant fear that other people might expose the game of hide-and-seek.
  • The claim to always be one of the best: The stress that comes with pride comes from the need to always draw attention to yourself or to be too demanding in order to permanently stand out from others.

Rather, as we can see, while a proud person may appear to stand above others, in reality it is not. It is more of a very fragile person who may have suffered a lot and is hiding this behind their pride and pride.

The problems of people who live with pride

Next we will find out what problems people face who live with this haughtiness. As we’ve already seen, these people aren’t exactly happy, but we’ll look deeper to find out why:

  • You are unable to admire others: through admiration you can learn and challenge yourself to achieve more demanding goals. On the other hand, striving to be better and to be above others leads to constant comparing yourself.
  • They don’t know how to listen: their eagerness to be the center of attention prevents them from listening to others. This creates conflict in their interpersonal relationships and people think that they are only talking about themselves.
  • They cannot act without showing their worth: in everything they do, they try to prove their worth. This prevents them from relaxing or enjoying a single moment. This prevents them from being happy with what they are doing.
    Man is proud

    Pride often hides deeper problems

    People who act with too much pride have a big problem. This is why this behavior is often viewed as pathological. They are hiding something that hurts them. When they do this, instead of solving the problem, they are hiding it.

    People with pride can ignore a problem disguised under a proud demeanor for years. This leads to the fact that it worsens even in hiding and increases the feeling that they are not happy.

    Even if the person maintains this posture for a long time, it ultimately becomes a disease. Migraines, dizziness, abdominal pain are a way for the body to indicate that something needs to be resolved.

    Pride is not something that has no solution. In order to be able to search for it, the person has to recognize for himself what is happening to him. Only then can they seek help and resolve what lies beneath that pride.

    Pride can become a disease with physical symptoms that have a much deeper source. Our inner well-being, our calm and our peace are important and will affect our health. Solve your problems to stay physically healthy too!

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