Why You Should Eat Garlic, Onion And Lemon Every Day

It not only helps to cleanse the body of metabolic end products and toxins and to excrete fluid stored in the tissue – in combination with garlic the onion also stimulates the excretion of Heavy metals

Why you should eat garlic, onion, and lemon every day

A healthy, balanced diet is essential for health and wellbeing. It is in our hands to do something for the body and mind. But why should you eat garlic, onion, and lemon every day ?

Today we know that the choice of foods with high nutritional value can do the organism a lot of good, so that it can carry out its tasks for a long time and in an optimized way. A variety of diseases can be prevented in this way.

In this context, three foods have been the focus of attention since ancient times. Garlic, onion and lemon.

All three are versatile and hardly any kitchen can do without garlic, onion and lemon. Worldwide. Hundreds of recipes would taste less good if there weren’t a hint of garlic, a hint of onion and then a dash of lemon.

The areas of application for these three foods in alternative medicine are just as varied. They supply the body with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which are also very beneficial to health.

Do you know the benefits of eating garlic , onion, and lemon every day ?

The incredible benefits of eating garlic, onion, and lemon every day

The high nutritional value of garlic, onion and lemon secures them their place in the catalog of natural remedies, in which they are also listed as alternatives to the prophylaxis and treatment of the symptoms of hundreds of diseases.

Best of all, in addition to promoting health, they are themselves rich sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other healthy substances.

In the following we would like to show you the effects of each of these three foods and explain why your health can be improved if you consume garlic, onion and lemon every day.

Garlic and its health benefits


The tuber with its toes, which is very strange to look at, has a very characteristic taste, which is also used as a spice in many dishes.

In addition, garlic is a source of the following nutrients :

  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E.
  • Minerals like potassium, sodium, calcium, iron and phosphorus.
  • Antioxidants.
  • Fiber.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Proteins.
  • Water.

It is precisely this combination of nutrients that gives garlic its cleansing properties and also makes it a natural antibiotic. This is good for your health in many ways.

By giving garlic, preferably raw garlic, a permanent place in our menu every day, we can also  achieve the following benefits :

  • Improve blood circulation and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • Lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure.
  • Reduction of varicose veins.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Infection prevention via antibiotic and antiviral ingredients.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Improve liver function.
  • Avoiding digestive disorders like constipation.
  • Cleansing the lungs.
  • Improving the complexion, relieving the symptoms of acne.

    The benefits of the onion


    In many kitchens, onions are used every day, while others do without them because their taste and smell are too strong for them.

    The onion is characterized by a combination of nutrients, which is very similar to the garlic is. This is why both foods complement each other so well.

    As for their composition, at least the following facts are worth mentioning:

    • 90% of the onion is water.
    • Onions also provide vitamin A, vitamins of the B complex and vitamin E.
    • It contains minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and, moreover, sulfur.
    • It also provides the body with essential amino acids.

    As for its health benefits, the onion is then viewed as a remedy for many different ailments. The most important are:

    • The onion has an antioxidant and detoxifying effect, a combination of effects that is advantageous when we excrete fluid stored in the tissue and want to purify the body.
    • The cleansing effect extends to the blood. Consuming onions also helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.
    • In combination with garlic, it supports the elimination of harmful substances in the event of poisoning.
    • It has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, which is also very useful for colds, irritation of the respiratory tract, other respiratory problems and to combat snoring.
    • The onion protects the liver and then aids in fat digestion.
    • Onion helps prevent indigestion and constipation.
    • Regular consumption of onions also helps regulate blood sugar levels.
    • The onion can also be used externally: it relieves inflammation, for example in the area of ​​the ear, nails and feet.
    • Acne can be combated with onions.
    • The onion also strengthens the hair.

    The good that is in the lemon


    This citrus fruit, which is grown in many countries around the world and is characterized by its sour taste, is also used to prepare beverages, soups, desserts and many other dishes.

    Although one might believe that the lemon is an acidic food, the fact is that alkaline substances arrive in the organism that help to regulate the pH value.

    The most important nutrients that lemon provides include:

    • Vitamin C and E.
    • Calcium and magnesium.
    • Limes.
    • Bioflavonoids.
    • Pectin.

    On its own or in combination with other foods, the lemon is also able to prevent a large number of diseases and to alleviate their symptoms.

    Effects with which the lemon is particularly characterized are:

    • Stimulation of the immune system.
    • Diuretic and detoxifying effect.
    • Blood purification and improvement of blood circulation.
    • Help control cholesterol and protect the heart.
    • Relief for stomach pain and heartburn.
    • Antibiotic and disinfectant effect.
    • Reduce the risk of gall and kidney stones.
    • Astringent effect, which is also important in skin care.

    Are you ready to include them in your diet?

    As you can see, these three foods have many, many benefits. They help you to maintain your physical and mental health.

    Because they can be used in a variety of ways, there is actually a dish in the kitchen every day in which they are in good hands. Even better, they can also be consumed raw every day in order to enjoy their health-promoting effects even more!

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