With Cucumber And Healing Clay Against Pimples And Oily Skin

And how do you combine the positive properties of both ingredients into a face mask?

With cucumber and healing clay against pimples and oily skin

Cucumber is clear, this is the classic face mask. But what is healing earth ? And how do you use them?

How do you combine the positive properties of both ingredients into a face mask? And what can this mask do? We’ll explain everything to you here.

Healing earth

Actually, healing earth is not really an earth, but loess or clay. Loess and clay are names that only refer to the size of the particles and not the ingredients.

Both are available in different mineral compositions. Some have more silicate content (part of quartz), others more lime content.

Roughly speaking, it is very finely ground rock, some of it has its origins in the Ice Age, when the glaciers finely ground the rock and the “rock dust” was deposited by wind or water. There are different varieties and brands that vary in their delicacy and color.

Some manufacturers also write directly on the packaging which degree of fineness is suitable for which application.


application areas

It can be used internally and externally. Due to its texture, healing earth is able to absorb toxins. Therefore, it is also a good digestive aid and also helps against heartburn, for example.

But because it also recognizes substances from drugs as “poisons”, you must never use them internally if you have to take drugs! Due to its detoxifying properties, healing clay is particularly effective against acne.

The finest mineral particles also remove fat from the skin, which also makes it an ideal skin care product for people with oily skin. It has a degreasing, pore-deep cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect – ideal for anyone struggling with pimples!

It is quite cheap and can therefore also be used over a large area, for example in the décolleté or on the shoulders / back.



Cucumbers provide rich moisture and supply the skin with external minerals. A cucumber mask is a classic among moisturizing masks. Oily skin in particular needs to be supplied with moisture and not with additional oil.

Cucumber in combination with healing clay is a perfect alliance to give oily, pimple-prone skin exactly what it needs. A mask is also great in summer because it cools well, but still stimulates the blood circulation in the skin without heating the face.


Healing earth and cucumber mask

You should have a hand blender or a blender to make this mask. You need fresh cucumber juice – and you can’t buy it!

If possible, use an organic cucumber, because you should use the cucumber with the skin and an organic cucumber to prevent poisons from pesticides from lying on your face. ç

The mask is supposed to detoxify your skin – and not the cucumber! It makes no distinction between toxins and pollutants, but has only a limited absorption capacity that you should use for your skin and not for the cucumber.

Puree a piece of cucumber into a very fine pulp, like a smoothie or thick juice.

Mix enough cucumber juice with the soil to create a spreadable mask that can be applied thickly without running off your face.

Apply the mask to your face (or another part of your body) and let it dry completely there. Depending on how thick you applied the mask, this can take up to 10 minutes!

You will see how your hyperactive sebum glands (if you have oily skin) leave small dark spots on the dried mask!

Then wash the completely dried out mask from the skin together with the harmful substances it contains. You do not need any other cleaning products such as soap or shower gel, your skin is already pore-deep clean and degreased!

face masks

Instructions for use

The effectiveness of healing earth against blemished and oily skin was confirmed in a clinical study at the Charite in Berlin.

To do this, however, it is important to use the mask at least twice a week and really let it dry completely. So take a little break with the mask on a regular basis, preferably on set days of the week, and you will see how your skin improves!

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