Without A Bra Could Sometimes Be Healthier

A new study causes confusion: supposedly the bra is supposed to make your breasts saggy?

Without a bra could be healthier sometimes

Most women have never thought about living on without a bra. Why also?

If it sits well, it cannot actually be felt and it seems to be a natural part of a woman’s daily life.

Now a French study has shown: sometimes it is better to do without it!

Is the bra harmful?

Again and again one hears the rumors: “Bras cause cancer” or “If you do without a bra, you live longer” or “The natural breast lives naturally healthier” and similar stories.

But what is it really about the rumors? Is it Really Harmful to Wear a Bra?

A French researcher from Besancon has published the results of his study. This study looked at 320 women who refrained from wearing a bra over a 15-year period.

The result now confuses the female world.  If you don’t wear one, you automatically tighten your chest, breathe better and prevent the dreaded “sagging breasts” more effectively!

bra brassiere

Details of the “BH study”

Rouillon, the French researcher, is actually a sports physician and wanted to find out whether the breast tissue itself might not be able to support and tighten the breast.

He also found young women between the ages of 15 and 30 who did without bras during the study.

The “bra waiver” was consistent and also took place in situations in which it is traditionally advisable to wear, for example during sports.

Regular measurements showed that the body regulated itself and the tissue of the breast automatically tightened by strengthening the muscle tissue.

This also meant that women complained of back pain less often, their posture improved overall, they walked more upright and straighter, and were able to breathe more freely.

In some cases, a breast lift could even be documented!


Limitations of the Study

The researcher suggests that most of the women willing to take part in the study were B or C cup sizes.

Larger breasts were an exception in his study, but he also mentions the example of a fitness trainer. The trainer was able to do without the bra despite the E-Cup. With her breasts, each weighing 1kg, she was also able to achieve a tightening of the breast tissue!

He also notes that his study only applies to young women between the ages of 15 and 30. The  results cannot simply be applied to the breast tissue of older women.

However, he assumes that wearing bras can also be a reason for sagging breasts.

In order to be really meaningful, the study must be repeated or expanded with significantly more participants.

However, the study clearly shows that young women with small to medium cups should forego the bra in order to get more beautiful breasts.


From now on always without a bra?

According to the study, if you are young and have a small to medium cup size, you should really go without your bra as often as possible – even when exercising.

The bra slackens muscles and tissues. It can be compared to an arm or leg that becomes limp and limp when you wear a cast around it.

Give your body the chance to carry and regulate itself!

Of course, it is clear that it is not socially acceptable in all situations. But you should  dare to do without this lingerie more and more often!

You may feel like a hippie then, but the study has shown: it is healthier!


Which women should still wear bras?

The researcher, Jean-Denis Rouillon, points out that his study results cannot be applied to every woman.

Women with extremely large breasts or pregnant women in particular should not do without a bra. In such cases, the bra has more advantages than disadvantages.

Nonetheless, it’s not good to wear a bra for years that doesn’t fit properly.

If it is not properly supported, back problems and damage to the connective tissue can occur in large breasts.

It therefore really makes sense not to buy the cheapest “off the shelf” and buy it in a pack of 6.

The perfect size of the bra not only contributes to a feeling of well-being, but can also prevent damage to health.

These range from headaches and back problems to unsightly pressure points and deformations of the chest.

In addition to a nice cleavage, a well-fitting bra should offer the following: Better posture, relief of the back and comfort without pinching and pressure.

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